Original Post
2 years- Tb member
So here's my story. When I first joined this community, I has really excited. I was a noob, who managed to rise at least for a bit. these 2 years a faggot explosion has occured and destroyed the whole community. good job tb, lost my faith in ya. but nobody gives a fuck rite? get real
Good job indeed, the community is in chaos, but it's not completely ruined...

Some people actually do their job correctly and try to maintain order.

And, btw...I don't think many people give a fuck, but you can't go around expecting everyone to care...
Last edited by Fenris; Feb 14, 2012 at 07:31 PM.
Well, you have the art and textures filling up with shit, loads of scams going on, old fags leaving...

If you check the banlist there's a lot of shit...

Just to mention some things.

Edit: May also be a matter of opinion.
congratulations, you're an elitist prick who's barely got a right to be an elitist prick considering people were whining about this shit the year you joined

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