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What toribash has taught me.

I've been here for frankly long, stickin' around with chaps from this community. Therfore, the community itself and the game has taught me something and I'd like to share it, cause we all could say we learned something in here.

What I learned:

-Nobody is perfect.
-Balance may be optional, but in one moment, you'l need it badly to get yourself standin' straight.
-Nobody cares until you have money.
-Fame is a whore sold expensively and cannot be returned easily.
-Last second decissions boost adrenaline for 10 minutes.
-People judge by how you speak, not how you walk.
-Economy is waterfall made from buckets full of water.
-Luxury gives status, costs much and shows that you are rich guy, running for status in a socium.
-Proper music will help you concetrate.
-Enemy is fearsome when he is close, and unpredictable when he's far.
-Changes and news make the crowd stand up.
-Humour requies analysis.

Cant think of anything else, but also, I think the toribash is a great place for everyone, cause:

-Making texture sets grows future designers
-Trading, buying and selling your items grows future economists and bankers.
-Scripting and all process with getting new things to the game grows future programmists, scripters etc.
-Market squads, gamemasters could grow as a journalists, social workers, everything associated with administartion and social stuff.
-3d backgrounds, tb videos grows future 3d designers, animators and etc.

Thanks to toribash, I have found my true proffesion which I really want, and will be loving to do - 3d animator. After seeing this joints move, videos being made, effects and such, all this fighting, motion moving and etc has grown a wish in me to animate movement and make something artistic.

Thank you, toribash.

And what about you? Did toribash taught anything?
I can't say I would have ever tried making a video if I haven't played toribash. I watch stuff from the halo community, but there isn't really anything that would make me want to pick up Sony Vegas and edit something.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Replay making has taught me that if I put lots of effort in to something I can get something else great in return.
It taught me to think before saying something i might regret.
Learned basic texturing, how to use photoshop, digital art in general.

3d animator? good luck, its close to impossible to get a job in that field even if you have amazing talents. You can get lucky but.. yeah.
If you like 3d and joints may I suggest rigging instead? may not be as fun but by far a safer career choice :P

I think its a wise idea to check what the market needs.- for an example.

I see way too many people going "hey I did 3 years at art school why can't I land a job?" lolz
Originally Posted by Ezeth View Post
3d animator? good luck, its close to impossible to get a job in that field even if you have amazing talents. You can get lucky but.. yeah.
If you like 3d and joints may I suggest rigging instead? may not be as fun but by far a safer career choice :P

I think its a wise idea to check what the market needs.- for an example.

I see way too many people going "hey I did 3 years at art school why can't I land a job?" lolz

Thanks for the cheer ups, I know its going to be hard, but I will do my best.
First it gave me a medium to be a retarded troll, then it taught me how2forum.

Pretty much, yeah.
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma