Original Post
{TM} Team Mushu

Team Mushu is an organization based on the mod Mushu.tbm and other mushu variations
We focus on expanding the playerbase of the mod, as well as teaching newer players how to play it
However, Team Mushu is not a group designed for new players, it is designed for skilled players
Being part of our organization means playing somewhat strategically in mushu variations
Such as learning counter-openers, defensive starters, and other types of methods
With this all being said and accounted for, welcome everyone to Team Mushu

-~ Leaders ~-

-~ Masters ~-

-~ Legends ~-

-~ Members ~-

Member Count: 20

[✔️] Expand the mushu playerbase
[✔️] Recruit some experienced players
[ ] Become somewhat well known
[ ] Get the organization official
[✔️] Teach newer players the mod
[✔️] Host mushu events/tourneys/etc
[✔️] Start the revival of Team Mushu
[✔️] Create a armband for the organization
[ ] Ally other organizations for friendliness
[✔️] Create a 'social group' as a temporary 'forum'
[ ] Finally become a popular group due to activity

Hosted Events
12/14/2017 - Boxshu Tourney - Winner: (Gucci)Khary

In order to join Team Mushu you must prove your skill level
either by playing against a member ingame, or uploading 3 replays
with your application, to which you choose is up to you completely
However we do also like to know about you as a person aka if you
have a bad personality (are rude), you will be denied otherwise

Application Format
IGN/Real Name:
Have you been tested:
How long have you played mushu:
1-10, what skill level are you:
Do you know any members:
Why do you want to join:
Replays (if you haven't been tested)
put I read the OP at the end

Last edited by hanna; Jan 25, 2018 at 05:13 PM. Reason: Promoted Mytholigy
IGN/Real Name: Paul
Have you been tested: By Elite
How long have you played mushu: About 3 years
1-10, what skill level are you: 5-6
Do you know any members: Elite
Why do you want to join: To Have fun
Application For Team Mushu
In Game Name: ilikehulk
Real Name: Kyle

Have you been tested: Nope.

How long have you played Mushu: Since I joined.

1-10, what skill level are you: I'd say I'm a 5 cause I'm good but I'm not the best.

Do you know any members: Other than "Elite" Nope.

Why do you want to join: I'm looking to be more involved with the community, and an organization based on my favorite mod sounds like fun.

Replays: I will upload two, but I would like to be tested in game.

I read the OP
Attached Files
Nice..rpl (92.9 KB, 14 views)
Doges.rpl (104.6 KB, 6 views)
Originally Posted by ilikehulk View Post
In Game Name: ilikehulk
Real Name: Kyle

Have you been tested: Nope.

How long have you played Mushu: Since I joined.

1-10, what skill level are you: I'd say I'm a 5 cause I'm good but I'm not the best.

Do you know any members: Other than "Elite" Nope.

Why do you want to join: I'm looking to be more involved with the community, and an organization based on my favorite mod sounds like fun.

Replays: I will upload two, but I would like to be tested in game.

I read the OP

Decent application, decent replays.

IGN/Real Name: My in-game name is KrisKrafts. You can call me Kris.
Have you been tested: I have been tested by Elite himself <3
How long have you played mushu: I have been playing Mushu since about 2013-ish.
1-10, what skill level are you: I am about a 6 maybe pushing for a seven.
Do you know any members: I only know Elite, but I am looking forward to knowing the others aswell.
Why do you want to join: I want to join this org to help it out and chill with some Mushu dudes.
That concludes my app. It was kind of poor, but on the other hand it is a short app guideline so I did not know what else to add.
Hopefully I get accepted!!!

Be Cool. Have Style.
Thank you. Can't wait to bring activity to the org.
Hope for new recruits. This org has great potential.

Be Cool. Have Style.
Originally Posted by KrisKrafts View Post
Thank you. Can't wait to bring activity to the org.
Hope for new recruits. This org has great potential.

Yeah hopefully we can get it official and things later on.

Update: we now have a 'social group' to talk on.
this thread will be used for applications only, or mostly.
in our social group i have created 3 discussions:
- Chat
- App Discussion
- Discussion Rules

If you get accepted into the org, you will be invited to the group
as well as get access to the social group discussions, allowing you
to help discuss applications and other things, this is important.
Last edited by hanna; Nov 12, 2017 at 04:10 AM.
IGN/Real Name: My real name is Cameron/ My in-game name is Corruption
Have you been tested: I have been tested by Elite.
How long have you played mushu: I played mushu since I was in Black belt.
1-10, what skill level are you: My skill level is an 8. I can do fast, but smooth movements against my opponents. I can
Do you know any members: I know Elite since his first name change.
Why do you want to join: Because my best mod I am good at is Mushu and other Mushu type mods. I can streak a long time if I focus on the game and music.
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