Originally Posted by JazzaAusty View Post
Hello people who are reading this,
my name is Jarred and I am a 12 year old boy and I mostly enjoy playing drawing or playing games like Toribash in my free time. I also enjoy socialising with other people and i would like to be called Jazza or Jarred either is fine. I haven't been in any other clans besides this one if i get in. What I can offer to Spec is helpful advice, friendliness
and I can also help recruit people. My favourite mods are judo and jousting (cos they are amazing). On a scale from 1-10 i think my skills are a 3 or 4.

If you would like to add me on steam my name is Illuminati.

Thank you, Jarred

Needs more effort, replays, etc. Also, you're orange belt so it seems like you don't have enough experience with the game. Don't get me wrong, you seem like a nice guy but i vote no.
Originally Posted by pouffywall View Post
To make sure you read the entire thread, I want you to put, "Pouffywall is a masochistic lolicon" at the end of your application. Good Luck!

Also, no one did this. Lmao.
Last edited by basic; Jul 19, 2015 at 06:14 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump