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Any unhinged questions for a parent?
I am a parent of 2 kids, I had my first when I was 15 and my 2nd when I was 16/17, if you have any questions no matter how hurtful or personal I will answer them to the best of my abilities.
Last edited by Chax; Apr 27, 2024 at 06:01 AM. Reason: grammar
AikidoBigDojo Nightmare

My fiancee and I plan on having a child within the next couple years. What were the biggest struggles with raising them? Any things you wish you knew beforehand?

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
Originally Posted by WeooWeoo View Post
My fiancee and I plan on having a child within the next couple years. What were the biggest struggles with raising them? Any things you wish you knew beforehand?

honestly the biggest struggles weren't financially, while it is a bit taxing the main issue was the lack of free time and constant care required for a child. What I wish I knew beforehand is also the tax it takes on your mentality, you won't get sleep, you won't have time to relief stress, and your "alone" time with your significant other will diminish heavily.
AikidoBigDojo Nightmare

Originally Posted by basic View Post
why didnt you pull out

for the 1st kid I was young and a virgin, on top of that she said she was on birth control, for the 2nd i just got to into the moment tbh
AikidoBigDojo Nightmare

Originally Posted by Chax View Post
I am a parent of 2 kids, I have my first when I was 15 and my 2nd when I was 16/17, if you have any questions no matter how hurtful or personal I will answer them to the best of my abilities.

Sorry to be rude but did you consider abortion when you learned about the first one? Having a kid at 15 ,16, 17:is f*cking irresponsible even if you were able to provide for them.

Originally Posted by Fyu-Neru View Post
Sorry to be rude but did you consider abortion when you learned about the first one? Having a kid at 15 ,16, 17:is f*cking irresponsible even if you were able to provide for them.

While I agree it was irresponsible my gf at the time was wholly against abortion, on top of that my parents are incredibly Christian so they were against it too. In other words it was either ask for an abortion and lose my gf, my family, and still get slapped with childsupport while not even having a place to stay OR just accept the fact that I made a mistake and needed to own up to it by at least trying to be a father.
also yes they almost disowned me for sex before marriage and giving birth to bastards.
Last edited by Chax; Apr 27, 2024 at 06:00 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
AikidoBigDojo Nightmare

Originally Posted by Chax View Post
While I agree it was irresponsible my gf at the time was wholly against abortion, on top of that my parents are incredibly Christian so they were against it too. In other words it was either ask for an abortion and lose my gf, my family, and still get slapped with childsupport while not even having a place to stay OR just accept the fact that I made a mistake and needed to own up to it by at least trying to be a father.
also yes they almost disowned me for sex before marriage and giving birth to bastards.

Though choice you made but it looks like you understand it yourself so good for ya. Also Christianity is such a cult!

Originally Posted by Fyu-Neru View Post
Though choice you made but it looks like you understand it yourself so good for ya. Also Christianity is such a cult!

I've met both sides, some people take christianity to far but I've also met others who do it in a way I agree with (forgiveness, kindness, humility etc), 2 sides of a coin I suppose but that's just my opinion.
AikidoBigDojo Nightmare

Originally Posted by Chax View Post
honestly the biggest struggles weren't financially, while it is a bit taxing the main issue was the lack of free time and constant care required for a child. What I wish I knew beforehand is also the tax it takes on your mentality, you won't get sleep, you won't have time to relief stress, and your "alone" time with your significant other will diminish heavily.

If you could go back in time and reverse it all, would you? I'm sure you love your kids with all your heart. But now knowing the hardships - would you change anything?

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."