Original Post
[IMG] Wrath of dead
Hi, I decided to create some toribash-themed renders in C4D. So well, basically this is classic survivors vs zombie war. I will probably continue making this. Now the pics, rate&comment :P


1440:900 version

Innocent town felt fury of dead, fury of unknown necromancer, who wants to rule the city... Huge amount of zombies, recruited from local graveyards started their assault. Hundreds of people died, joining the undead army. Only few survived. But they're not safe. War just began...


1440:900 version
Three security guards from the military hospital noticed, that doctors and patients vanished. After a while, they were attacked... by zombies...

- JtanK, helped me with various things (finds mistakes in imgs, helped me with translation), also a bit edited recolored JtanK is the necromancer on 1st pic.
- Darkhunt, the tori on the left, holding spaz shotgun.
- Kyuubi1PL is the tori in the middle. Holding shotgun...
- Me (xD), on the right, holding some weapon...

I hope you like pics ;p

I will add next parts soon
mind if I ask for you to reffrance the extra models?

I don't think you made the guns or that skull :P

nice renders, but I'd like to see more from you. These pictures are great, but there's so much more you could add to them.
Former Item Forger
I'll answer for him ^^ He made the guns (lol, even I was designer of gun, that Rai holds, he had no idea for weapon). Rai is pretty good at making arms :P

Though skull was downloaded from some site.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
WHOA EPIC MAN. Some problems are :
1. The guns need bullet capsule "pew"-ing out of the gun. Muzzles need gun firing flashy thing.
2. The ukes at the back of the first pic are to repetitive. Add some guys without limbs, hands, legs, heads.
3. Its wierd how blood squirts out of joints that arent bloody
4. Background of house should have a dark gloomy mood. It looks funny without it. Make it scary

8/10 I love it. MAKE MOARS
[T] | ORMO
[20:18] <@Cevius> Like semen?
I feel the blood could be changed up a bit. A little less thick and globby.

Plus where are the blood stains on the floor? I would expect a zombie's lower torso to enter a kneeling position after the blood hits the floor at the rate it seems to be coming out.

Other than those grievances, the whole thing is quite nice.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games