Original Post
(SUPER) A Wall of Text
Power to everybody, here. Let creations unfold. This is my writing, something I do when I write. It can entertain you, ignore you or confuse you, making sense of my writing won’t be your biggest mistake, but a trick decision. But the TB community deserves this, I have to serve my community in some way.

I enjoy the little things like writing these thoughts. It's freeing you should try it. I know a lot of people are not writers. Maybe they don’t acknowledge their thoughts in the form of writing. I admire that, some thoughts are better off not existing as in no thought power was there. They are a free ever flowing currency that can be destroyed and created at will at any point in time. What element can do that? What thing can every single human being manipulate to the same level as their thoughts.

What I think you should do if you aren’t doing already

Pick one thing and kill it, or pick a lot of things and absolutely kill it. How can you kill something? You kill the stress it brings on you. Example, working out, you can kill it. By enduring the stress you kill and/or execute that stress. Concept can apply to a lot of activities. How do you know you have killed something? You will know when you add more activities to it to add more stress. Stress is an instrument you play the kill song on.

Other thing:
Competition and obstacles are great. Handle them well, don’t half ass an obstacle, it will linger in your thoughts. It will tire you and lose your ability to kill. Then you are the one being killed.

Live Super, I will post daily.
i dont think so, i figured this was your clan thread post but you posted it in the wrong place
didnt really see any questions or suggestion that would start a conversation lol
I'm suggesting ideas here. Call it philosophy.

Also I can remove super from title its just my clan.
i wanna try

Stone ocean. Jojo. southern blueberry ocean spray. Sonic. Desolate manwave of the empire crashing upon a sad beach only to hate on the opposing side. anger without fear is sin but not so much as a word or they'll catch you; they know and they see. i can't see i can feel. i can't feel i can smell. smell the smell of time. not enough. definitely enough. squidward. Snarl. Woah wait woah wait wait wait under cover under board 12 long road cars eyeing me down headlights.

its kinda fun. just write whatever is in your braintrum
Ily <3
I'm Goomba post Popeye drill he's cutting not drilling great cake what am i doing gotta piss soon split skinshpuld use cream lol a monkey
[🥒] x2 🥒x17


Yet Another Goomba Post/Thread
I shouldn't forget that I'm working with models which are limited within a physics engine, or else I'll make the mistake of trying to make a move that just won't work the way I imagine it to. Taking account friction and how it builds up tension some pretty bizarre things can happen, but I can't simulate any of it in my mind and it's mostly visual feedback and subsequent intuition+experience telling me what's possible. In aikido a large part of staying balanced is how you move your ankle, something I learned while playing lenshu and comebacking. I'm anxious over what else I'm missing that I can only practically learn through experience and time, and contrary to anything logical that demotivates me. Being genuinely creative (abstract, by definition removed from) is inferior to being clever and working within rather than against constraints in this game.
To reiterate the first point, working within constraints is optimal and raw creativity can only at best work to show you what is both possible and stupid. At worst, you're not really paying attention to what the model is actually doing. I don't have the intellect to really abstract and synthesize this process of learning into something that'll help me improve.
The entirety of my toribash experience can be summed up with the thought, "What the fuck?"

I think it's bad form to jump from one thought into another without exploring it into exhaustion. Although doing that might lead to missing the forest for the trees, or even the exact opposite problem of lacking enough information to find a proper solution (a blurry image of a forest that you know has a certain number of trees). I'm not going to lie, I'm kind of fucking retarded.

I have a habit of entering into these monologues and typing them out in-game.
Last edited by PencilPusher; Dec 2, 2020 at 04:38 PM.
The words we write are subjected to interpretations that can never be matched with now.

I speak of life and its wonderful movements. Jargon it up all you want. Feel free to write away whatever your heart desires, I cheer you.

The ideal goal is that there is no goal. To enjoy your surroundings, laugh and perhaps share a drink of your favorite cognac with your partners in crime. Don't take it as lazy, take it seriously. Your time is important if you choose to have goals, kill them, fuck them passionately.

"Every moment in time is a decision that you make."

Use the sentence above not as an attempt to be random, but as is a tool, disguised as words to portray a powerful ball of energy.

And I object, this isn't word jargon, this is philosophy. If I call it mine I spoil it, its for the people. But what is the difference? It's a fool's paradise and I am dumbfounded.

A Statement:
Let's Look at the birds
The shallow and hollow minded birds
They have their problems, they have their answers
How? You may ask? How do they fix their problems?
They simply fool themselves into thinking the problems are fixed
Ask yourself, is this healthy?
Is it right? Sure it is, the problem was never there. But needed to create satisfaction.

Your answers' main goal is to improve your performance, look at it that way.

We do this to improve. Don't look at your position, look at the progress.
Keep Calm and Kill it, no fuck it instead.

Last edited by DaVillain; Dec 2, 2020 at 06:50 PM.