timmy, did you allready recodnised that we had alot of kewl members in cliche? i mean except you and me, weve had the world champion :3 and dejayy became a good replay maker (a known replay maker) in the time since cliche. And SporeCC is back too :P she teached me everything when i was a newboy
Originally Posted by timmychan View Post
Sorta Like a training ground of the great

exactly ....
evil why did everything fail xP
Originally Posted by venomfire View Post
BEWARE, members of cliche, for it seems obdvious that my curse is killing this clan. Two of the three prophecies have already been fufillled:

1) Clan video is postponed, and eventually abandoned

2)activity of the clan takes a sudden drop, and important members suddenly leave (illuzion)

3)clan leader acknowledges the death of clan, moderators ask whether the clan is still alive or not.

Dont believe me yet??

these are the other clans that have fallen to my curse:

Superbad: fogle
split in two then died (woor)

Beta: (i forgot, lol)
activity suddenly stopped, wiped

I am sorry i brought about this curse, i will know better in the future to keep well away from clans.



hows this for a post?
Im never on as i have very limited internet access.
And i dont think the merge is going to happen now...they appear to have been shut-down...makes me sad...so what should i do now guys?