its not even out yet, name.

also mind your double posts next time
i hope its doesn't take too long for you to change joints because aiming and clicking with the wiimote is really hard
Its so creepy!

It would be so cool if you could play it on the wii withsomebody playing it on the computer.
Originally Posted by 3169pwn3r View Post
meh they could do this for a DS 2 if they really wanted to

it would probably be esier because pointing would be more accurate anyways.

id love to see it on there.
I love you
Originally Posted by mikotaku View Post
it would probably be esier because pointing would be more accurate anyways.

id love to see it on there.

A DS (even a DSi) wouldn't be able to run toribash at any sort of decent FPS, too many collisions involved.
you will navigate thorugh the joints with the nunchuck control stick, as far as I know.
<Catguy19.0> "Quote me."
Won't that take way too long? Surely you would use the wiimote...
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
Originally Posted by Marcoyeh View Post
Won't that take way too long? Surely you would use the wiimote...

Hampa, veb, keep that in mind.
I saaw many games failing without wiimote support or with too much.

So my seuggestion would be : boost with shaking - out pointing support - in.
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