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"Obama" care
Health care reform in America Time for this topic gets brought up.

Obama's main focus upon entering office was the reform the health care system, claiming that health care is too expensive as it is for Americans and that change is needed. However, Obama and the Democrat majority of Congress has been impeded at every turn by Republicans due to Obama's wish for bipartisan passage of this reform. That soon might change if the Republicans continue to be as stubborn as a brick wall. A lot of shit has flown and the vast majority of Americans seem uninformed on the actual subject (mainly Republican fear-mongering crap as this IS a highly liberal action).

So why not discuss this and determine the myths and the facts flying around, what should and shouldn't be done, and your overall stances on healthcare reform, stating valid facts to back yourself up.

If you want to read up on the proposed bill, H.R. 3200, here's a link. http://energycommerce.house.gov/Pres...0714/aahca.pdf Fair warning, it's over a 1000 pages long. But I'm sure somebody here could find the time to at least point out the interesting sections from the rambling-ish sections.

To start things off, here's a rumor circulating around: Obama's proposed reform would result in rationed health care. Myth, or fact? If fact, prove why it's a legitimate worry. If myth, prove why it's a bunch of bullshit.

Also, I support the reform because I believe a medical system that runs with the goals of capitalism in mind provides inferior health care in an attempt to cut costs.

The current health care plans all revolve around insurance company giants that exist for the purpose of making money, not saving lives. It is not a sound business plan to work to save lives. And nobody enters the business world without the intent to get filthy rich.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
glen beck said obamacare will force you to kill your grandma, don't you watch the news?
bro i havn't been on because the last time we fought you hit me so hard it uninstalled the game
Originally Posted by OrAclE View Post
I support the reform because I believe a medical system that runs with the goals of capitalism in mind provides inferior health care in an attempt to cut costs.

The current health care plans all revolve around insurance company giants that exist for the purpose of making money, not saving lives. It is not a sound business plan to work to save lives. And nobody enters the business world without the intent to get filthy rich.


That video does a pretty good job of arguing FOR "Obamacare".

And While I dont see this resulting in a rationed care system, I have no factual data to back this up, so Im off now.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Originally Posted by southpaw7 View Post
glen beck said obamacare will force you to kill your grandma, don't you watch the news?

Sir, You cant believe everything that the news says, though upon my own investigation, much of what he said was true.
Originally Posted by deady View Post
Exactly -VIDEO-

That video does a pretty good job of arguing FOR "Obamacare".

And While I dont see this resulting in a rationed care system, I have no factual data to back this up, so Im off now.

Honestly, I was a bit skeptical about this healthcare mumbo jumbo.. But that video really made me understand it a lot better. I wasn't really super conservative-ish about all this stuff.. as in i wasn't believing Glenn Beck/fox overall but nobody (independant-ish) really sat down and said "Stop listening to the retards, this is what it is." Like that video. I'll be sure to show it to the 'rents and see if they change their mind too. I mean my mom is even a fed/state employee and I don't even she thought of it like this. .____.

I guess this wouldn't be a good post in debate, but I can't really add anything without it being wrong.. but.. AFAIK I've been shown NO solid proof of the death panels actually having any merit, or rationed health care being real. To be honest, I don't generally agree with Jon Stewart politically, but he seemed to think this is fine. I trust him more than any other 'anchor' so.
Most of the people arguing against the health care reforms are really the people who make money off of them anyway. Of course, with the reforms, the companies making a profit now would end up obsolete-- well, the majority, I'm sure. Of course, I could be wrong-- the government could end up controlling those companies, and therefore keep them alive.
To be honest, I myself take no real interest in the political, social, or economic actions that my country takes. My reason why? I feel that we've grown a little too corrupt.
Then again, as soon as we touch against society, we've become tainted. That's because society is filled with human values, which then aid biases... But I digress. I apologize if this post wasn't filled with much enthusiasm for either side, but hey, my opinion is leaning toward the new reforms.
I can't help but dislike the idea that there are companies making profit from something that's vital to our well being. I believe that the individual caring for another, or taking a necessary action for another should be paid.
Originally Posted by deady View Post
That video

Thank you for linking to something that sums up everything wrong with this bizarre anarcho-capitalist movement so many Americans feel they need to "protect their freedom". Of course, anyone who really believes that Obama is some sort of Nazi communist trying to wrest control of our lives away from us and kill our families would ask for the source of the financial statistics. And as soon as you found them, they would promptly not read them and say something like "Well, I still don't like the idea of big government controlling our lives," and then not change their mind anyway. For some reason these people who try to act like patriots reaching for "the Founding Fathers' dreams" fear the American government more than anything else.

But, hey, part of a democracy is being able to press on past the fringes of society and their paranoia, right? This is still getting passed and if someone doesn't want free healthcare, they can go back to their bunker and their four-sided Timecube and hide. They're going to feel awfully stupid when they wind up with cancer or heart disease and have no way to pay for it.
Need help with anything? Have a question? PM me! I'll try my best to help you.
Originally Posted by Apple303 View Post
Sir, You cant believe everything that the news says, though upon my own investigation, much of what he said was true.

Good thing we've got you on the job.
bro i havn't been on because the last time we fought you hit me so hard it uninstalled the game
Originally Posted by Pirate View Post
I'll be sure to show it to the 'rents and see if they change their mind too. I mean my mom is even a fed/state employee and I don't even she thought of it like this. .____.

You know, my dad swears by Fox news, and it sucks because no matter what you him he just wont budge. I mean he doesn't get pissy because we dissagree on politics most of the time, but I swear I have no clue how he see's the world...

I have no idea what that has to do with the over all discussion, but your post made me think of that. And Im glad people liked the video, when I saw it I was already sold on public health care, but they do a great job of putting it into perspective.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
I find it utterly hilarious how the republicans have reacted to this.
"It's evil to give people free healthcare" I mean WTF?

One news station (can't remember which one, probably faux news) said "If Stephen Hawkings was British he would have been killed at birth because of his handicap"

To which Hawkings replied "I am british and I owe my life to the NHS"

The overblown histrionics of the right-wing media is priceless....why they are blocking giving people free health care I don't really know but they are just making themselves out to be stupid with the amount of garbage they come out with