<&Ginkey> k lol also can you announce the co-leaders?

I feel you guys tensing up. Well, I won't keep you waiting.

The co-leader for replays is................................... Me

The co-leader for art is......................................... xNill.

Congratulations on becoming co-leader xNill.

Also, about the new system of applications. You now need, to get in, a "yes" from: Ginkey, our leader
One of the co-leaders (depends on what "skill" you choose)
2 regular members ( unless inactivity kicks in, then one is enough if the leader and co-leader decides so)
That comes down to atleast 4 votes, unless stated otherwise.

I hope you all agree with this, if you don't, post it here or PM one of us ( Ginkey or me (or xNill if he wants)) or get on IRC to discuss this, we need more activity in there anyway.
Thanks for the Avatar, MrAakash
Originally Posted by Ginkey View Post
who the hell is this gunkey!?!?! I wanna meet him!
LOL anyways here's the new set i was working on

Pretty sweeet.
Originally Posted by Meamme0 View Post
<&Ginkey> k lol also can you announce the co-leaders?

I feel you guys tensing up. Well, I won't keep you waiting.

The co-leader for replays is................................... Me

The co-leader for art is......................................... xNill.

Congratulations on becoming co-leader xNill.

can i be the co-co-ldr of replays ?!:O :O :O
Originally Posted by ShiftV3 View Post
can i be the co-co-ldr of replays ?!:O :O :O

Let's see about that once we get a bit bigger. For now, I'd appreciate it if you just help voting on new applictions, keep making awesome replays and get making replays for events so we can leech you some Tc and stuff.

All people that have lots of Tc but don't need them: Donate to the OshiBank.
All people that have lots of unused items they dont plan on selling: Dump them in OshiBank, then we can make an Org-shop.
Thanks for the Avatar, MrAakash
With prizes? We don't have Tc for now, but sure, for honour.
So a logo minicomp. Cool ;)
Thanks for the Avatar, MrAakash