Original Post
How did you find out about Toribash?
I found out about tb when a friend irl told me about it back in '09. I made like 12 more accounts before finally making this account and making it my main.

So how did you find out about tb?
Last edited by Gelatine; Apr 14, 2011 at 07:50 AM.
mmmmmm uhh........ hhmmmmm.... umm..... I think I was... uhhh.... OH YEAH!!!! I was looking for games with AI, and I found sumotori on youtube, then I found a toribash video in the related videos, and well....

1 year later.
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
I looked up "Goriest video games" on youtube, and after watching 20 videos or so, I came up to Toribash and noticed it was free, so here I am.
i know this game from my friend. he told that there is a fighting game which we can make our own move, named Toribash.
Friend referred me to play this back in late '08. He doesn't play anymore though.
master of the universe
A friend (leaph) told me about this game about 4/5 months ago, back then I thought i was pretty epic when i broke of ukes leg or a arm. Now I just keep playing and totally not addicted.
Originally Posted by Virtue View Post
Friend referred me to play this back in late '08. He doesn't play anymore though.

Ditto, his older brother showed him and at first i didnt like it and he did but then that switched and i came in love with it, and here i am hurt from tehhax
i created the ??? emoji
like a lighter bitch we ignit

someone posted about it and recruited some people, it was around the goons time, but i didnt reg for a while.