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Happiness and Money
So, a little back story...

Me and my friend argue about money, and education. She says she doesn't need to get "good grades" because she doesn't care for money, while I do so I can get more money in the future (since 99% of the time higher education = more money)

I personally believe that Money does make you happier. If you get what you want, you're happier. The more often you get what you want the happier you are. Money makes it easier for you to get what you want. More money = More happiness. (my opinion)

However, my friend is 100% convinced that more money will not make you any happier at all, so what's the point of school etc. (Her opinion)

So now, what do you guys think? Who is more right? Or if you have a different view, what is it?
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
I believe that money doesn't make you happy, but it can surely HELP you be happy. My parents told me, "Would you rather be broke and be happy, or be rich and happy?"

Money=food and a place to live. Excess money=more food, a better place to live, entertainment, better living conditions, support for kids and wife, all the good shit.
Let's just wait and see who's happier in 10 years' time. It'll be interesting to see if she enjoys her job as the maid cleaning the name plate on your office door.
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
I believe Money does make you happy because you get what you want.
And I also believe Money doesn't make you happy because later on people will expect you to have better things and you might not like the things they expect from you.
[Edits] Self Editing Robotic Nut of Death. [Edits]
Money doesn't "buy" happiness, but it further extends and increases quality of living conditions.

Money buys food, which you need to live.
Money buys a house, which you need to stay sheltered.
Money buys water/electricity, which you use for common everyday tasks.
Money buys certain activities like going to an amusement park, or going out to dinner.

I'm pretty sure if you go up to a random homeless person and offer them one of these things he will certainly be happy.
Originally Posted by Shmevin View Post
Money doesn't "buy" happiness, but it further extends and increases quality of living conditions.

That's what I've been trying to explain to them.
I shouldn't have just made this thread about just Happiness and Money, but more like Happiness, Money, and Education for High Schoolers but w/e.

The people I explain this to, I try to make them think of it this way but they say they don't care for "material possessions"
I think of it like this, would I rather be driving a $5000 tin can in 10 years or my dream car?
Would I rather be secure when it comes putting my kids through college, not worry about insurance, etc.
There's also the fact that money can cause huge problems in a marriage, and is one of the biggest reasons for divorce right next to cheating.

I just think the kids my age don't recognize they're not going to be under their parents wings forever, and think that their parents will always get them what they want.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Money is not the root of all evil, the want for money is the root of all evil, my war veteran great-grandfather used to tell me. Let's see, some people say, money doesn't make you happy, but you'd feel better off crying in a Porsche. Sounds about right to me, Too much money, and too little money, can do a variety of different things and have many different effects on people. So this discussion/debate, will be a tough one to me. I'm open to all of the opinions, I'm interested in this topic. Thanks for bringing it up, it takes my mind off of a few things currently happening.
[10:19] <~Tim> Why the fuck not, I'm insane :D
[12:06] <~Tim> Frost-Dragon: I bet you're sexy
I believe money does make people sort of happy. I mean, anyone would love to be Charlie Sheen or Donald Trump because of their money and power. (Also, Charlie got the b*tches)
Although money is completely needed, you cannot "buy happiness". Love is always needed.
Love from the people and material things should be balanced. (Also, tell your friend to study)
The cake ain't telling the truth...
I think your friends are just looking for excuses to not follow the steps of getting a quality education and a good job.
Hopefully your friends will mature and see the correct path toward a happy life.
Hell yeah money can buy happiness. Well, for me at least.

Hmmm.. Looks like I read the first post wrong. Started writing thinking the thread was about "Can money buy happiness?" when its really about "Can more money make you happier?" Is it the same thing??


Anyways... The magic number is $40,000. Apparently studies have been done on this matter, tracking the 'happiness' of people with different annual salaries and they found making more than 40k a year doesn't really make you happier. Most likely because 40k is sufficient enough to give you the necessities you need to survive, as well as some money left over to buy some luxury items you may desire (affordable luxury items of course).

So getting more money only makes you happier to a point.
"Fear not the Tori who has practiced 10,000 openers once, but fear the Tori who has practiced one opener 10,000 times."