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[ART] Inqubus drawings.
Sorry, I have a bad camera, so don't expect high quality pictures, in real life they look much better ,including shading and stuff ^^

never draw anything completely by profile, makes it look like a mugshot and that's ugly.

keep it at an interesting angle!

otherwise, just going with the idea that you didn't use a reference, 8/10
shmevin eats smegma
They're pretty good quality, still needs some more defining highlights and shading.. but I cant help getting the feeling of reference.. that kinda dumbs down the drawing a little bit for me. The top one, in some parts almost seems traced! But I doubt that you would trace something like this.

Smoother lines and more layers of shading please.
Feed the birds, tuppence a bag, tuppence tuppence tuppence a baaaggg
My Avvy/Sig shop
No, I would never use tracing and never used it, that's simply pathetic and pointless. Yeah, sometimes I use reference to train my eye, to increase the ability to grasp proportions, composition etc. Otherwise it's hard to learn anything if I draw by my own.

Here are some more :

2nd one looks really awesome, also the naruto drawing is really good. Your bleach drawing and first dragon drawing is really bad, and I have no idea why your drawings differ so much in terms of skill level but make it stop! :P. You should get some good paper and pencils, drawing with a regular pencil on a grid paper just hurts my eyes.
your shading is pretty average, looks better on the manga stuff, lame on the more realistic sections. But your line and drawing work is decent, great on that second dragon.

you draw on graph paper, so use the squares to help you. the side of narutos face has just sorta dropped, and theres no excuse for that, you have the squares right there.

also, keep your pencil sharp, sharpen it often, if your pencil isnt sharp, your lines automatically look shitty. keep it sharp. always. otherwise you end up with lines like the grimjaw piece
and invest in a 2b and 4b pencil, what paper you use is up to you, but you need better pencils.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Originally Posted by Ezeth View Post
Your bleach drawing and first dragon drawing is really bad, and I have no idea why your drawings differ so much in terms of skill level but make it stop! :P. You should get some good paper and pencils, drawing with a regular pencil on a grid paper just hurts my eyes.

Probbably differs depending on time I spend. And yeah, grid paper :/ These drawings were made in school while bored with default pencil in my sketch/universal book of everything.

Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
your shading is pretty average ....

you draw on graph paper, so use the squares to help you.

also, keep your pencil sharp, sharpen it often, if your pencil isnt sharp, your lines automatically look shitty.
and invest in a 2b and 4b pencil, what paper you use is up to you, but you need better pencils.

Well, in real life shading looks much better though I agree that I have much to improve. Well, I didn't use graph paper for my advantages ^^
I am god damn lazy and I usually take some random pencil which is laying around and use, without thinking much ^^ Need to draw less messier. Thank you for advice, gonna take it into account next time ^^ Sadly here comes some more old drawings:

Some more:

Last edited by Inqubus; Aug 24, 2012 at 08:06 PM.