Originally Posted by laststand View Post
you are in the stage of : Denial

You seem to completely deny that it is ever your fault that you lost, that you never make mistakes. which is obviously wrong, because if it weren't you would be like 2k elo by now. Imma use myself as an example here. I ended s2 at 1215 with top rating of 1275. I liked to blame others for my losses and it ended up not giving me anything. Then i realized i should focus more on what I'M doing instead of others and in s3 i have top elo of 1438 and current elo of 1340 ish. ( too lazy to check) Focus on yourself and try to carry games. it helps more than you think

> try to carry game
> every single player on team selects a hard carry
> no support/laners/gankers
> focus on yourself instead of what others are doing / the actual game
> it's up to a single player to win the entire game
> one player compensates for an entire team of people who think they can solo

I seriously hope you don't do this
Originally Posted by Uberis View Post
I have dominated lanes in all ranked games. Pretty much my team was feeding. Winning in ranked games is actually luck based. Pretty much there are clowns who always play offensive and feeds. They end up being 15 level while my opponents are 18 level including me. It is the same as Toribash except you are 1 vs 1. Belt doesn't matter in this game. Neither elo.

Don't blame the champion. Blame people who keep loosing with him. It is not about champions who are better. You can only blame yourself for loosing the lane. If you haven't noticed there are always champions who are stronger and who are weaker. Also Syndra was never weak. She has the highest burst in the game but people just suck playing her. Take the blame on yourself not the champion.

Don't blame the champion? Before Rengar was nerfed I was dominating with him. Going 16/4 with him in ranked in s2 (80% win rate) and was able to snag 3 victories before he was nerfed. He was my favourite champion and I destroyed with him, and now in his nerfed state, he can't do ANYTHING of what that he could use to.

Before Rengar was nerfed, he was a tier 1 pick and ban, now, now he is barely picked in s3. That stats from LoLking have him on a 39% chance of winning any game he is picked. It used to be 60%+.

Rengar used to be a unique top laning champion, and now, he's just some man-lion that I used to know.
Last edited by j4nd0; Jan 2, 2013 at 06:18 PM.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
Originally Posted by ImmortalCow View Post
> try to carry game
> every single player on team selects a hard carry
> no support/laners/gankers
> focus on yourself instead of what others are doing / the actual game
> it's up to a single player to win the entire game
> one player compensates for an entire team of people who think they can solo

I seriously hope you don't do this

not only carries carry. if that makes any sort of sense. what i really was trying to get out of it was stop trying to blame everyone else. when you should really focus on your own play. people troll? let them troll and just report them. flaming them is not gonna make them play better
I'm a fucking professional!
Originally Posted by Uberis View Post

Goooooooood job Toon.

Maybe you just don't know how to play LoL.
Last edited by Hippybob; Jan 2, 2013 at 07:39 PM.
Standard AD Page

Marks: Flat AD
Seals: Flat Armor
Glyphs: Scaling MR (AD Carry) / Flat MR (Top Lane)
Quints: Flat AD

Standard AP Page

Marks: Magic Pen
Seals: Flat Mana Regen
Glyphs: Flat MR
Quints: Flat AP
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

I'm taking offers for my set
Hmm, how about:

For AD:
Flat AD Marks
Flat Armor Seals
Mr/lvl Glyphs
Flat AD Quints

For AP:
Magic Pen Marks
Flat magic resist seals (I don't feel like spending for mana regen, seeing that I seem to be doing fine in terms of avoiding lack of mana)
Flat AP Glyphs
Flat AP Quints

Could these work?
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Originally Posted by EJM View Post
So I've noticed that runes are now getting in the way of my laning results

thats the reason I only lane mid lol
I'm really low on IP, and I have a full AP and a full crit chance + ap (critplank) runepages... I need more runepages and AD runes before I start going to other lanes :l
Originally Posted by EJM View Post
Hmm, how about:

For AD:
Flat AD Marks
Flat Armor Seals
Mr/lvl Glyphs
Flat AD Quints

For AP:
Magic Pen Marks
Flat magic resist seals (I don't feel like spending for mana regen, seeing that I seem to be doing fine in terms of avoiding lack of mana)
Flat AP Glyphs
Flat AP Quints

Could these work?

I prefer running armor yellows on AP carries due to how stronk minions and auto attack damage. I haven't ran mana regen seals in a long time on my mana-ap mid champions. My AP-mid page consists of:

- Mpen Reds
- Flat Armor Yellows
- Flat Mr Blues
- AP quints

And depending if I want to move fast, I'll swap out the AP quints with my MS quints. MS quints are good for roam and melee mids like Kat and Diana.

As for bruisers I liked to run:

- AD reds
- Flat Armor yellows
- Flat Mr or Mr/lvl blues
- MS quints

The MS advantage helps me alot getting in that last auto attack, or being able to snag cs better. Helps greatly when you always move faster than you lane opponent.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
Originally Posted by EJM View Post
For AP:
Magic Pen Marks
Flat magic resist seals (I don't feel like spending for mana regen, seeing that I seem to be doing fine in terms of avoiding lack of mana)
Flat AP Glyphs
Flat AP Quints

Magic Resist seals are about as bad as it gets for seals. If you really don't want the mana regen, then I would recommend you get HP per level seals in its place. Don't get flat AP glyphs either, you'll be way too squishy. The flat MR glyphs are much more useful.

As for J4nd0's armor seals, I definitely would not recommend that in mid unless you're laning against a Nidalee who will abuse her autoattacks to gain lane dominance. The MS Quints aren't necessary anymore either since Riot gave everyone a +25 base movement buff. It's better to have more power in your harass now.
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

I'm taking offers for my set
Originally Posted by Numbers View Post
Magic Resist seals are about as bad as it gets for seals. If you really don't want the mana regen, then I would recommend you get HP per level seals in its place. Don't get flat AP glyphs either, you'll be way too squishy. The flat MR glyphs are much more useful.

As for J4nd0's armor seals, I definitely would not recommend that in mid unless you're laning against a Nidalee who will abuse her autoattacks to gain lane dominance. The MS Quints aren't necessary anymore either since Riot gave everyone a +25 base movement buff. It's better to have more power in your harass now.

Any ranged ap mid can abuse their autos in lane. I just find the armor seals more beneficial in helping you survive against minion harass, auto attack harass and damage from ganks. I also can't stand having 13-18 armor at level 1. I agree with MS, I've hardly used the rune page since s3 started and always have this weird feeling when I do.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA