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The revival of Torinews
Hello avid blog readers and all you other people who stumbled across here while looking for free tc. Sadly there’s no free tc to be had on this page but there is some very interesting news. Recently I was browing the toribash forums as every normal person does and came across a brand new organisation [...]

It's pretty great that they're reviving it.
Might just be the right timing to have yet another thing to present and catch the attention of newcomers that steam lures here.
We're still kids in buses longing to be free.
-_-' i will be surprised if they will be able to make atleast one issue.

let's see...
from what i observed ru community was working on same stuff like couple of years ago.

clan aliens tried... 3 issues. stopped.
there was a blog but now dead...
some collab made a magazine on flash... 1 issue. stopped.

just to let you know,

the stuff you are about to get into would not get paid, while if you will get the very same fulltime or part time job i guarantee, you will do less than on tb and you will actually earn some money.

altruism is a good thing, but where is sanity?
aiming for weekly issues sure would cause a problem, while i want to see it up and running, i have to agree with snake.
Lets remember, since the original Torinews org died it has been revived on several different occasions and it's always failed and contributed basically nothing to the community.

Hell, the person that's running it now revived it once or twice already and has had no success.

The org has potential and can go far if there are users willing to do the work and take it seriously. I don't see it going anywhere until someone more responsible and prestigious takes hold of the wheel.
what am i doing here
The fall of the original Torinews was for several reasons:
It was difficult to get quality members to join and stay and so Avwave ended up doing pretty much all of the art and compiling.
Deadlines may as well not have existed.
I blame myself for inexperience in a leadership position.

So if you can recruit quality members and keep them interested you're halfway there. Keep everyone working together and spread the work.

Then you all have to be on board with deadlines - especially for an ambitions goal of one per week. Once you let the deadlines slide they'll just keep going.

We also tried running ads in the original Torinews but no one took interest however in a regular weekly newspaper you'll probably have more luck.

I'll be interested to follow the org and see how it goes.
God luck.
Originally Posted by snake View Post

just to let you know,

the stuff you are about to get into would not get paid, while if you will get the very same fulltime or part time job i guarantee, you will do less than on tb and you will actually earn some money.

altruism is a good thing, but where is sanity?

Say what now? Where could I possibly get a job where I work less than I would on torinews (weekly deadlines about simple stories.) and get paid for it?
Added to the fact that most of us don't have any writing qualifications, I don't think the standard of writing we do it good enough to be put in any actual newspaper that pays writers.

Hey, maybe I'm wrong and there actually are places in whcih I could get paid to write with the same qualification I have right now (next to none, besides that I wrote for the tb blog) and with the same standard of writing that I have right now. If that's the case I would actually love to know where I could get paid to do so.
Last edited by Text; Aug 4, 2013 at 08:12 AM.

"[11:17pm] Thorn: I'm gonna have to ask you to stop being so productive"
Don't be all that negative, snake.

Those magazines in Russian stopped due to
a) no audience
b) no need in them
c) not enough information from rucommunity alone
d) shitty organization

Here the situation is way better, the scale is wider and there is stuff to write about. Running a public page of tb at vk.com I know that there's enough information even for weekly issues, as for monthly ones there's probably even more than enough. Bring back stuff that existed in 2009 in Month Express (talking about best videos/art, biggest events and so on) and there'll be enough interest from users.

P.S. And tell me please, why did you "work" as a GM? It's pure altruism.
Originally Posted by Solax View Post
keep them interested

thats the point. expecting that people who will do pretty much real job for free to stay motivated is naive.

Originally Posted by Text View Post
Say what now? Where could I possibly get a job where I work less than I would on torinews (weekly deadlines about simple stories.) and get paid for it?
Added to the fact that most of us don't have any writing qualifications, I don't think the standard of writing we do it good enough to be put in any actual newspaper that pays writers.

Hey, maybe I'm wrong and there actually are places in whcih I could get paid to write with the same qualification I have right now (next to none, besides that I wrote for the tb blog) and with the same standard of writing that I have right now. If that's the case I would actually love to know where I could get paid to do so.

you seem to forget about design, makeups and so on.
in any case just google any local newspaper/magazines enterprises next to you and ask to be trainee. just prove yourself usefull and thats it.
Originally Posted by sir View Post
Don't be all that negative, snake.

i'm not negative, just trying to make a point that to keep people any motivated they need to get paid for their job.
Originally Posted by sir View Post
P.S. And tell me please, why did you "work" as a GM? It's pure altruism.

i was naive and thought i'm doing a good thing, untill i finally realised that turning a game that meant to be my entertainment during free time, into a routine job with no payment is quite probably not the best idea.
Last edited by snake; Aug 5, 2013 at 07:42 AM.