Salutations, people of Inq!

My name is Trick, and I would like to squeeze your lemons.

My nick IRL is Timee (you may alternatively refer to me by my nick if you want), and I'm a 17-year-old college student from the wonderful set of islands known as the Philippines. I'm gonna be a junior this coming school year (summer vacay is at its halfway point over here as of today). I'm majoring in Legal Management because I'm aiming to become a lawyer sooner rather than later. I go to a private Catholic/Jesuit university that's both homely and sophisticated.

The people I know usually describe me as being a nerdy, trivia-loving, hipster-y square.

My hobbies include debating and music. I'm a member of our uni's varsity debate team, competing against other varsity debate teams from other universities throughout the nation. That being said, I absolutely enjoy intellectual conversations, especially those concerning current events and philosophical sets of thought.

I'm also a lead guitarist in an indie band that my friends and I formed in high school. My lifestyle and personality complements our band's indie vibe. I drive a cute yellow VW Beetle and I have a strong fascination with big prescription glasses. I'm also in a long-distance relationship with my high school sweetheart who lives in a different part of the country. She's gonna visit me soon, so I'm naturally excited as fuck.

I've been a member of the TB community for a solid year now, and in that span of time, I've gotten to know a lot of neat people. Two of the neatest people that I know are Fancy and HolyButler. I see them as two of my brothers in this community, primarily because we share the same interests.

I intend to join Inq because you fellows embody what I've been looking for in a clan. Close-knittedness, a perfect mix of offbeat and serious, a genuine desire to treat one another as family and look out for each other's welfare. Can't get any better than that. I strongly feel like you folks are the type of people that I'd love to settle down with.

That's about it. I'll be more than willing to answer any and all questions on Inq's IRC chat tomorrow, because it's 11 PM here at the time of this posting and I need to get some precious shut-eye.

I've got a ton of fun facts about myself that I'd be happy to share to you guys. It would be my pleasure to gloat about myself to people that are evaluating me. Kinda turns me on.

Anywho, to conclude this horrendous app, I'd just like to say that you guys are really rad, and that it would be an honor to be one of you.

Thank you for torturing yourselves by reading this app in its entirety! Take care, mates!

(P.S. Please forgive any errors in spelling, grammar, syntax, and/or punctuation. Writing an app this long on an iPhone 4 while half-asleep really inhibits one's on-the-fly proofreading abilities. I'll fix all errors once I'm well-rested. Thank you.)