Original Post
#1 Most Influencial Person
Yeah, this is a lot like Juntalis' thread, I know.

I'd like to see who you all really view as the most influencial person in the community is for you.

Mine would have to be Vigilante. He trolled the ever-loving shit out of me for quite a while, and told me that I was fun to troll because of my smartassedness. (Yeah, that is a word, suck it.)

A while back, we started talking about random junk while he was trolling me, and we ended up talking about music, different community members' backgrounds, old school stuff, girlfriends, community drama, things of the sort. We ended up talking for over 2 hours. Was a great talk, I got to know him very well. First person to really sit down and talk with me, see that I'm not the asshole people in this community like to make me out to be.

Vigilante isn't my most influencial person only because he's a great guy, but because he was basically the person that GOT me on the Promo-Team. He was the one that talked extensively with Mosier, and pushed for me to get in the Team.

This thread is for all of you to tell a story, don't just say "Hampa - becuz he made the game". Sure you can put Hampa or Gman80, they are both really genuinely nice guys, but give a better reason than that.
Hampa- becuz he made the made the game.

Actually it is Blotto, because he is Epic and I dont feel like putting myself.

Organisation of Awesome: Member.
The #1 most influential person in the community?


Because he spits hot fiyah.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
Whenever he complimented me on a replay I felt awesome, and when he told me how to improve, I always tried to fixate myself on that problem.
All the world's a stage.
Originally Posted by War_Hero View Post
The #1 most influential person in the community?


Because he spits hot fiyah.

The 1st person is chac. He's like the most badass person here and he won't screw with you. Why 1st, because it's true. 2nd would be Fyerrblad ;]
nuthug - suggested i take up texture making
always tells me straight up if he doesnt like something about a set i make...
sure, i never change what he tells me to, but thats not the point =P
tunes me to shit and i love him for it(Fawk yeah, RawR lurv ftw)
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
NutHug - He is pretty much re-inventing the game. He has the best control over tori out of anyone that I have ever seen. He was the first person to run, and in my opinion, still the only person able to run well. He is seen as unbeatable in his domain, which is sambo-type games, and almost unbeatable in pretty much every other aspect in the game. He is really the only candidate for the title of "best toribashian alive". This, and his title of Gamekeeper, and his leader position in clan RAWR is why I see him as the most influential person in toribash.
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
[02:19] <+hampa> gg