I gonna put this video from me doing a cover od dethklok . It's not good , but i want more people seeing my videos etc

The original song is in the spoiler :

Dethklok - thunderhorse

@pusga, wow, stop being good at describing music. but for real, when I listened to that it felt like an intermission into space, reminiscent of the old stop-motion childrens show from the 70's called the clangers which may dad showed old videos of when i was little. so, yeah, past nostalgia is a definite grand way of describing it. (i may also look more into BoC, and music has the right to children sounds like the internet named the album - i love it!)

@hydra, when i at least kind of like a rap song/hip hop etc, I like it when the track includes the piano for some reason, guess the vocals and instrument just tend to match well. certainly sounds like a hype song, although I usually prefer an opening to ease me into the album with a calmer sound, still, it may be different for other genres.

@rain, hi, welcome, hydra may have some recommendations if you ask him.

@bbking, holy hell, i didn't know there was a band who sounded so alike zepplin, however i think the guitar slightly gives it away. the beginning sounds enticing and 0:13 - 0:19 is definitely a piece i've heard before in generic movies, but, melts into the vocals well. (also, rip the real BB king, shame he's gone, but, he lived a good life)

@kaka, well i didn't see any real faults in it, and at least you can do alot more than play a few chords (ahem, take note me), still not too interested in that sort of music though.

also, select few people, COUGHSHROOKESPECIALLYCOUGH please actually include at least a small bit of effort in your posts, i've posted this a million times so you should really know what to do by now, cheers.

this band seem pretty promising, I noticed them about a year back when they only released a few songs/an ep with quite a range of sounds and songs and only today saw that they are getting a bit popular and are soon to be releasing a ebut. considering this is 1 of only two female singers i'll listen to, they'll have to be quite promising and hey, maybe the debut will be fantastic?
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
seizure warning LOL

I feel like people don't respond to me very much.
"The porn is also an art right? The art of camasutra. The art of hard ejaculation and orgasms" ~azzifer
You should read the topic.. as long as you don't respond to the others, you won't get any response too.
And yes Skylar, it was a really blue day in the world of blues. rip BBKing
Last edited by BBKing; Jun 5, 2015 at 10:44 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by Skylar View Post

this band seem pretty promising, I noticed them about a year back when they only released a few songs/an ep with quite a range of sounds and songs and only today saw that they are getting a bit popular and are soon to be releasing a ebut. considering this is 1 of only two female singers i'll listen to, they'll have to be quite promising and hey, maybe the debut will be fantastic?

that song is pretty good. i recently listened to an entire post-hardcore album and loved it for the first time in like years, so i am willing to listen to rock music slightly more often. anyway, great blend of all the different singing/whispering and, again, the vocals did not bother me at all (i know that i always say this regarding the songs you post but i really REALLY don't like vocals most of the time and don't care about them). good find.

also BOC are like the best thing ever for me and i'm glad you thought it was ok if i had to recommend anything from the album i posted to get started on it i would say Turquoise Hexagon Sun (one of the most popular songs from them). my personal favourite is An Eagle In Your Mind but that one is a very percussion heavy track while everything else is simplistic (but effective). both are really heavy on the electronic elements that a lot of people don't like though like repetition and length.
oh yeah
Originally Posted by BBKing View Post
You should read the topic.. as long as you don't respond to the others, you won't get any response too.
And yes Skylar, it was a really blue day in the world of blues. rip BBKing

Oh you are a fan of BBking ? Makes sense because of the name hehe

Yeh he was a legend in blues music , same goes for jimi hendrix .

Anyway , i am getting into power metal . Because of game of thrones i have more feelings in the fantasy world + the solos are great to hear :3

Not my type of music tbh, although I think my passed me would have loved that, I used to be a huge fan of metal, not so much anymore though. I think I used to like really grimy metal, I might actually get back into it soon if someone can show me a good band, I got bored with the old ones I listened to.

I actually love this song, idk if it really counts as metal though.

Edit: Oh that was from game of thrones? no wonder it reminded me of that xD
I used to be a HUGE fan of Godsmack. I remember I played this song out loud once not knowing what it was about (I was to stupid to read the title of the song) and I got in some much trouble. I was like, 10 at the time XD

This is still my favorite song by them.

Last edited by Thinkfast5; Jun 6, 2015 at 08:51 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
"The porn is also an art right? The art of camasutra. The art of hard ejaculation and orgasms" ~azzifer
Originally Posted by Thinkfast5 View Post
Not my type of music tbh, although I think my passed me would have loved that, I used to be a huge fan of metal, not so much anymore though. I think I used to like really grimy metal, I might actually get back into it soon if someone can show me a good band, I got bored with the old ones I listened to.

I actually love this song, idk if it really counts as metal though.

5FDP Wrong side of heaven: Not a huge fan of it, the intro is too long and boring for me, don't really like some parts of the lyrics, they feel very poppy to me.
there are some pretty awesome guitar riffs which I like, some pretty cool vocals aswell (the "Arms wide open........" part is pretty neat), but some parts kind of mess up the song imo, not sure if I'm even making sense to you.

Oh god, that guitar riff at 0:20 - 0:30 is so sexy
Overall I really love the vocals and the guitar in this song, very brutal.
Recently I've been listening to alot of metalcore/melodic metal

Undead Corporation is one of my favorites right now, their songs are either in Japanese or English. ~headbangs in japanese~

NOTE: Sorry for my recent inactivity. The school year is almost at it's end, and I'm not in a position to fuck it up right now.
I'll try to post here more often if possible, but you shouldn't count on it too much.
Last edited by Melqart; Jun 7, 2015 at 10:52 PM.
cage the gargoyle
@Melqart good music, i like the riff but the lyrics goes kinda slow after 0.20 and the screaming was bit hard to understand but i like it at all
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
@melq meh, definitely not my style, I do like the guitar at points. It's also pretty cool to listen to at solo's, would definitely enjoy that a lot more if it wasn't so crazy haha. Still a good listen, also reminded me of AoT theme song.

Anyways sorry for inactivity guys I've been insanely busy this summer and haven't had nearly as much time as I anticipated I would. Good news is I just bought tickets to a Courtney Barnett concert in New York City so I'm pretty pumped for that. Thanks sklicklhlker for showing me her, I've been binging her pretty damn hard lately. Speaking of her heres one of my favorites from her. Her music is perfect for just chilling out on a lazy day
i created the ??? emoji
like a lighter bitch we ignit