Originally Posted by Sicks View Post
Cornetto Trilogy is actually a compilation of non-related movies which are Shaun of The Dead, Hot Fuzz, and The World's End. Story-wise there are no connection at all to each other. All the movies are played by Simon Pegg and Nick Frost though, and always feature a Cornetto ice cream, hence the name.

Battle Royal is an interesting one, based off manga of the same name, its about a group of students who are thrown into a remote island and have to kill each other to survive, each are given a weapon at random, some are useful like a gun, some are just outright useless, like a paper fan. All students also have an explosive collar attached, any attempt to leave the island or trying to forcibly remove the collar will trigger the explosive. The movie is released at 2000 if I remember correctly, it's quite gory at it's time.

Oh my, I love those movies. I had no idea about the ice cream though.

That actually sounds incredibly interesting. Did they pull the idea off well?
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