Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
What part of her track record says that to you? The weakest part of her platform is foreign affairs, she's proven to be terrible in foreign dealings

Also, she's a war hawk in every sense of the word, would not trust her with our peace

you're basically the antithesis to everyone here huh

not that that makes you any less correct
Originally Posted by FruitCandy View Post
At least she didn't get banned from an entire country

as I recall neither has Trump
Originally Posted by Micah View Post
Bernie 2016

^^^^^^^^^^ this
I feel neither should be considered for president trump because of his lack of political experience and poor tone of speech if someones is going to represent the country it shouldn't be someone who is constantly mouthing off. and Hilary's slogan is "i'm with her" implying we should vote for "Her" because she's a woman which is disgusting and we need someone who can better are foreign relations i feel like neither candidates can do this effectively but i would have to say Hillary hopefully she won't pick a bad running mate unlike trump
I feel he just picked the cop out republican. I hope Hillary picks someone stupid i really hope she doesn't win.
Originally Posted by SruX View Post
^^^^^^^^^^ this
I feel neither should be considered for president trump because of his lack of political experience and poor tone of speech if someones is going to represent the country it shouldn't be someone who is constantly mouthing off. and Hilary's slogan is "i'm with her" implying we should vote for "Her" because she's a woman which is disgusting and we need someone who can better are foreign relations i feel like neither candidates can do this effectively but i would have to say Hillary hopefully she won't pick a bad running mate unlike trump

So the obvious choice is the left wing nutter? Not saying Bernie wouldn't be a good president, he's a good man and cares about his constituents and there aren't very many politicians like that, but c'mon. We're at a point where we've economically ruined the future of the millennial generation and we should be going into damage control mode instead of continuing to destroy the future of our youth for our own sake.

We really don't need any more crippling debt on top of that. We desperately need a fundamental libertarian in government, bring the spending down to size. We don't need a military 5x as big as the next biggest, we have enough nukes to guarantee no one fucks with us on a large scale. We do not need the worlds biggest military for the small scale conflicts we are likely to see in the near future.

Depending how Turkey turns out in the next decade, I could very well be completely wrong on that last part, but we'll see.
Turkey is what you are worried about? Just because it made the move from nominally secular to openly Islamic doesn't mean they are going to nuke the west.

Islamic nations can function without causing significant problems. Sure they aren't the same as the west in regards to civil liberties, human rights, etc, but they can exist. I would not be worried about Turkey.

In terms of war, the most likely instigator is the US, they are constantly posturing against China, and Russia. Neither of them seem likely to want to fight, but if you want to be worried about something, maybe be worried about China?

(Especially if Hillary wins, she certainly is willing and able to create wars for profit)
Had to delete a bunch of shitposts. I'm shocked that I still have to say this but shitting is not allowed in Discussion. This aint yo clan board. This is serious business. No shitting permitted.
Originally Posted by wibblefox View Post
Turkey is what you are worried about? Just because it made the move from nominally secular to openly Islamic doesn't mean they are going to nuke the west.

Islamic nations can function without causing significant problems. Sure they aren't the same as the west in regards to civil liberties, human rights, etc, but they can exist. I would not be worried about Turkey.

In terms of war, the most likely instigator is the US, they are constantly posturing against China, and Russia. Neither of them seem likely to want to fight, but if you want to be worried about something, maybe be worried about China?

(Especially if Hillary wins, she certainly is willing and able to create wars for profit)

Why would the US and China come to blows? Mutually dependent economies, a war would be the end of both countries. Also, metric fucktons of nukes.

If they decide to kick Turkey out of NATO, Russia is going to fuck them up. The extraction of NATO nukes from Turkey is necessary right now in any case before Erdogan seizes them.
Originally Posted by Bodhisattva View Post
3) She's playing the minority card. So frustrating. People pointing at themselves and saying "look! I'm a minority! Wouldn't it be cool if we proved there's no glass ceiling?!?" as a way to convince people to vote for her ticks me off. I want the most qualified person in office that serves my needs, I don't want anyone to siphon votes because of skin color or genitalia.

Agreed. We can't let those slags and darkies "siphon" away good American votes from the truly qualified white male candidates.

Not that arguing in favor of "the most qualified" in a post advocating Trump over Clinton isn't already hilarious, but wow, this is an impressively awful opinion!
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Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
Agreed. We can't let those slags and darkies "siphon" away good American votes from the truly qualified white male candidates.

Not that arguing in favor of "the most qualified" in a post advocating Trump over Clinton isn't already hilarious, but wow, this is an impressively awful opinion!

If you can't trust her with responsibly emailing people stuff, how can you trust her with the role of commander in chief?
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
Why would the US and China come to blows? Mutually dependent economies, a war would be the end of both countries. Also, metric fucktons of nukes.

If they decide to kick Turkey out of NATO, Russia is going to fuck them up. The extraction of NATO nukes from Turkey is necessary right now in any case before Erdogan seizes them.

Gee, why don't you ask US why they constantly try to start shit? But if you want to ask about war instigated by China (much less likely) then of course there's the chronic water shortage, and the tens of millions of excess males.

War with Turkey is nothing, sucks for Turkish people sure, but for the rest of the world it wouldn't even matter. Why worry about something inconsequential.

Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
Agreed. We can't let those slags and darkies "siphon" away good American votes from the truly qualified white male candidates.

Not that arguing in favor of "the most qualified" in a post advocating Trump over Clinton isn't already hilarious, but wow, this is an impressively awful opinion!

Woo, being openly racist against whites is fine right? "vote for Obama because he's black!" worked out so well right?

So yeah, vote for Hillary because she allegedly has a vagina so if you don't you are s e x i s t!