The thrust behind my solutions Coca, is that that by slapping on this ban on 'multiclans', all they're doing are creating an additional set of rules for things that are already covered by the rules.

You aren't allowed to farm wars for XP or achievements. If a 'multiclan' does that, close it - Same way you'd deal with a regular clan.

On membercaps, what is the point in us opening up a clan to avoid a membercap when we've recently increased our membercap? There's no point. In fact, because membercaps recently became increasable, I doubt there's any clan that would create a clan to circumvent the cap anyway. But yeah, I sort of agree with you on this one. There doesn't need to be a rule about membercaps.

On playing twice in events and collusion, assumedly it's already illegal to collude during clan events. So yes, staff have to figure out what is and isn't collusion already. This is not more work...
I'll reply after I've had some sleep. Good post.
Originally Posted by Icky View Post
Note I shouldn't need to mention but I will for the sake of attempting to head it off before it starts.

Don't devolve into insults and tantrums. Keep it civil and continue to aim for a resolution that satisfies, if not pleases all parties.

Perhaps just don't post?
Last edited by Ele; Nov 19, 2017 at 10:25 PM.