Originally Posted by Sucy View Post
na. needs better posts imo

Like this one?
Originally Posted by Sucy View Post

Nice example you're setting there.
Originally Posted by Immotay View Post
Like this one?

Nice example you're setting there.

h a h.
good point. but am not a member.
Originally Posted by Sucy View Post
h a h.
good point. but am not a member.

But you're a member of my discord, I can have my way with you c;
Proud leader of [TANG]
Old Schooler
Originally Posted by DesiTwist View Post
But you're a member of my discord, I can have my way with you c;

b e t
Tang as official just makes sense. Our posts aren't terrible, even though we're not strictly conversing over current events or anything. This is a chat thread. We have a discord for more serious discussion. Until we get official I don't see a point of changing the way we handle our communication.