I saw nothing of the kind, unless you're speaking about the retarded spammage you generated?

EDIT: Yay I'm 1001.
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [[email protected]] [Quit:]
I missed an effing rave party/spam party. :<
I'm Back!
Sadly there was not a flaming object in sight. V_V

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do
Originally Posted by Dalir View Post
I saw nothing of the kind, unless you're speaking about the retarded spammage you generated?

EDIT: Yay I'm 1001.

I hope you didn't mean that to come out as insulting.

Ich liebe zu kommen Bauch reibt <3 Kann ich einen bauch haben reiben? :3 Reiben Sie Meinen Bauch. >:D Nao.
<Drakea> My ass can reflect bullets and lazers.
<SokuTofu> My boobs reach the moon
<SokuTofu> OWAIT

In my opinion, your 'invasion' of #toribash was both unnecessary and on many levels, a very bad idea.

I have to agree with Dalir. I'm pulling my application and staying far away from #furry from now on.

Even though I'm a furry, the behavior I saw was unacceptable for me to be associated with this group.
User was infracted for this post. (Useless post)
Originally Posted by FelixK View Post
In my opinion, your 'invasion' of #toribash was both unnecessary and on many levels, a very bad idea.

I have to agree with Dalir. I'm pulling my application and staying far away from #furry from now on.

Even though I'm a furry, the behavior I saw was unacceptable for me to be associated with this group.

That is a very arrogant choice you have made.

You view our small, harmless shenanigans as something you feel you must use as a reason to unassociate yourself from us is outright idiotic.

That is rude and very insensible all on its own, if you prefer to be in that closed minded view and accomplish being an ass at the same time, go right ahead, I'd prefer you remain far away from us.

Just because we had fun in a manner in which others may see as obnoxious or whatnot, ultimately means that it demotes your 'reputation' in any way.

If you can't stick by your fellows and defend them even when they do something outright stupid, you are not a furry in my book, so as far as I'm concerned, you can just crawl into the nearest hole and die... Please.

(I really am angry, sorry if this seems a bit too much, I can't handle people like you, sorry again. Have a good life. >:E)
Ich liebe zu kommen Bauch reibt <3 Kann ich einen bauch haben reiben? :3 Reiben Sie Meinen Bauch. >:D Nao.
<Drakea> My ass can reflect bullets and lazers.
<SokuTofu> My boobs reach the moon
<SokuTofu> OWAIT

Originally Posted by FelixK View Post
In my opinion, your 'invasion' of #toribash was both unnecessary and on many levels, a very bad idea.

I have to agree with Dalir. I'm pulling my application and staying far away from #furry from now on.

Even though I'm a furry, the behavior I saw was unacceptable for me to be associated with this group.

Umm, need I remind you that you really didn't join the group in the first place because there were "too many rainbows" on the front page of the FoG. This is a RIDICULOUS reason to reject a group. What are you, homophobic? Well, newsflash, over 40 percent of the fandom is gay/bi. Don't like it? Then deal.

As for your reasons for leaving, they are outright RETARDED. IRC was a decent community, last time I checked. They are usually forgiving of mistakes, something that you obviously lack the mental capacity to follow suit with. So you have quit? Good. Be gone with you. We don't need you. No, scratch that. We don't WANT you here. If you can't be a good sport about something, you don't need to be a part of us. In fact, I am sure I can speak for most of us when I say we are GLAD you are gone.

Now, on to our actions. What we did may have annoyed you, hell, may have even pissed you the fuck off. We are SEVERELY sorry for what we did. But one word has to come to mind when we are discussing such topics as these: Tolerance. Not only did you flame us for coming into #toribash and having our little spamfest (which is understandable to be pissed about), but you flamed us for being furries. That is where the word TOLERANCE comes in. We are a culture. Being a furry is a part of who we are. It's not just a fan club- It's a way of life. Think of it as a religion of sorts. We are a culture, and just like any culture does, we deserve respect. We deserve the tolerance that you would show, oh, I don't know, a Christian, when you are firmly Atheist.

Thank you for your time, and once again, our deepest apologies...
Last edited by Faolan; Jul 16, 2008 at 09:33 AM.
<insert (something) here>
May I say we have a winrar? *points at faolan*
* tertywerty sighs
Last edited by tertywerty; Jul 16, 2008 at 09:46 AM.

[Evil] is recruiting!

<DesiTwist> terty plays tb with the ghost turned off, uke turned off and uses that mouse with the ball in it
Originally Posted by Faolan View Post
Umm, need I remind you that you really didn't join the group in the first place because there were "too many rainbows" on the front page of the FoG. This is a RIDICULOUS reason to reject a group. What are you, homophobic? Well, newsflash, over 40 percent of the fandom is gay/bi. Don't like it? Then deal.

As for your reasons for leaving, they are outright RETARDED. IRC was a decent community, last time I checked. They are usually forgiving of mistakes, something that you obviously lack the mental capacity to follow suit with. So you have quit? Good. Be gone with you. We don't need you. No, scratch that. We don't WANT you here. If you can't be a good sport about something, you don't need to be a part of us. In fact, I am sure I can speak for most of us when I say we are GLAD you are gone.

-Nods to Faolan- That is a very nice rant. I hope you enjoy it Felix.

You either stick with the pack, or get left behind, There's really no room for idiotic self-esteem boosting choices.

-sigh- I need milk.
Ich liebe zu kommen Bauch reibt <3 Kann ich einen bauch haben reiben? :3 Reiben Sie Meinen Bauch. >:D Nao.
<Drakea> My ass can reflect bullets and lazers.
<SokuTofu> My boobs reach the moon
<SokuTofu> OWAIT