Original Post
[YouTube] Saveable

Welcome to


ConCon Channel

This is a YouTube series in which I present the community with a challenge in which you must save yourself in tough situations as brought to you by the community.

This will be focused on your abilities to edit replays and save yourself from losing, in hopes that you will have fun and possibly learn new things.

This is a weekly event.

Think you've got the Saving skill for the Challenge?


You must use the replay in which the tough situation is shown and edit it from a specific frame.
You may only post 1 replay attempt.
Do not post failed saves.

You may Post 2 kinds of replays!

- Your entry
- A tough situation to be used as a "Saveable Challenge"

Please be informative on which replay kind you are posting.

The Videos:


Last edited by ConCon; Oct 22, 2014 at 11:25 PM.
hey concon sorry for the last crapy replay last time now i try harder. say my name zero Denver zero not the way you say Before. (dont use the first one i maked a better replay after)
Attached Files
!-! stretching.rpl (66.1 KB, 6 views)
!-! close dq but pointwin.rpl (109.4 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by 0denver0; Dec 1, 2014 at 07:09 PM.