making moving objects and joints is all explained in the mod maker documentation. Have a read again and you should be able to figure it out.
<the god> the god
<@Smilies2> modding tiem

Why do some mods not open and it just resets the gane with the mod you were using previously? Is it because the mod got deleated or removed? Because if so then why dont you just deleat them from the list?
Q1: Everytime I start up Mod Maker, it always turn into the mod that I've used last time. Are there like, a way to start up the Mod Maker using the original mod?

Q2: Is it possible to move both Tori at once with an absolute location instead of moving parts by parts?

Q3: Is it possible to make mod by using anything else other than Mod Maker? (Sketchup, for example)

Q4: Are there a way to delete every item or reset the Mod Maker back to its original position?

Q5: How do I make both Tori's wrist parallel to each other, and face forward?

Q6: How do I rotate the Tori, move it up and down, and forward or backward?
Please identify me as HexedChronoBlades.
Well, my easiest way to do it is to make a transparent coating around the feet and DQ for the rectangular-like shape. That's my way of doing thing.
Please identify me as HexedChronoBlades.
Hey, Does anybody know what has happened to the Acrojoust rooms and if they will be coming back?

not sure if this is right place to post this, but it is concerning a mod.

Thanks in advance.
If you're gonna do that, might as well make a floor and use triggers.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
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Originally Posted by FistofLife View Post
Is there a way to make the only part of tori / uke that doesnt DQ inside a dojo the feet?

use flags, they dont work all the way, but try,, they can work this time.