Illegal for me. Every human has rights to live, even newborn baby. So it would be crime if the mother do abortion.
You only live once.
Originally Posted by siswantos View Post
Illegal for me. Every human has rights to live, even newborn baby. So it would be crime if the mother do abortion.

But you aren't aborting a newborn baby. You're aborting a fetus. It's already against the law to abort a fully developed child.
I think I might be retired.
I dont really agree with abortion atleast have the baby and give it to an adoption agency if you dont want him/her :/
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
Originally Posted by deprav View Post
Also, wanted to point a few things out to people saying "abortion = taking a life = murder and therefore should be illegal because murder is illegal". That's a rather simple shortcut.

When someone gets killed by another person, the dead person doesn't give two craps afterward, "sacred life" doesn't give two craps, but the mourning family, friends and people who were close from the dead person do give craps... they cry, they rage, they hurt, retaliations can ensue, and the murderer represents a danger as he could do it again, which is dangerous for society and other people... Therefor it's illegal and punished by the Law.

When you have an abortion, you prevent an unwanted life no one cares about. No one rages, cries or hurts, maybe the mom because it's not a comfortable process but she chose to. It doesn't have the same social repercussion a murder would have, therefor it's legal.

Saying "no one has the right to decide who lives and dies" as an arugement against abortion isn't very judicious either, even more considering a lot of people guilty of murder, in a lot of countries, will be sentenced to death by a jury made of random people like you and me.

That's why murder is illegal and handled by "impartial" justice, and abortion isn't. And that's why it should stay that way and you shouldn't mind what's happening in other people's womb.

Yeah but actually people are trying to get this illegal...for some reason

You have clearly a good reason,I dont have anything to say,like you got me...
But actually there are campaigns against this,because is sad that seeing people getting not developed babies at the trash...Its not cool,like a baby that can be a doctor,get a good elementary school,and even be famous..
Originally Posted by Kirito View Post
I dont really agree with abortion atleast have the baby and give it to an adoption agency if you dont want him/her :/

Yeah,actually that is can be a good idea,why not..
Last edited by Corredor; Jul 30, 2015 at 10:25 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Running away...
Originally Posted by Superseba View Post
Yeah but actually people are trying to get this illegal...for some reason

You have clearly a good reason,I dont have anything to say,like you got me...
But actually there are campaigns against this,because is sad that seeing people getting not developed babies at the trash...Its not cool,like a baby that can be a doctor,get a good elementary school,and even be famous..

Yeah,actually that is can be a good idea,why not..

I don't feel like potential is a fair way to judge if this should be illegal or not. That child could just as easily develop into a terrible creature, it's a two way street. I see no real reason for abortion to be straight-up banned. The real issue is with humanity itself, causing people to want to get rid of a baby in the first place. Shame on us.
I think I might be retired.
If we are going to try to judge whether babies should be kept based on the potential impact they will have on its environment then you need to address the problem the growing human population is causing. I have no idea whether the baby will be a success or a failure (although statistically the latter is more likely if it is put up for adoption or kept by parents you don't want it) but I so know that it will be an entirely avoidable use of the earth's un-renewable resources. We need less of everyone, including successful people. The population is too damn big, even if all of the would-be-aborted babies do become doctors we will still struggle to feed them.
Good morning sweet princess
Originally Posted by cowmeat View Post
Trees live. Choppin a tree down kills the tree. = Chopping down trees is murder

You are on whole new level of smarts

It may be murder but what can they do about it? Its a chain for survival. We need wood to survive, so we cut down trees. We don't need to kill babies to live. If we did, we would have gone extinct long ago.
Originally Posted by ZephAxix View Post
It may be murder but what can they do about it? Its a chain for survival. We need wood to survive, so we cut down trees. We don't need to kill babies to live. If we did, we would have gone extinct long ago.

Even though you seem to have misinterpreted cow meat's argument to some extent, the point you make is quite a good one. However, we do not chop down all of trees we do for the sake of survival, we do it for comfort. We could easily make all of our buildings and furniture out of renewable, eco-freindly material instead of using wood. It is basically the same reason you get an abortion; comfort and convenience.

The comparison was to emphasise the correct use of the word "murder" (as in that it doesn't describe abortion) rather than the moral similarities between deforestation and abortion.
Good morning sweet princess
Kirito has a point, but i dont think mothers would risk their lives(when youre pregant you have a 50:50 chance to live) for an 'accidental' baby and just give it to an adoption center. There is a big chance that they'd do abortion when the baby is still a fetus but:

Originally Posted by Grohenbird View Post
But you aren't aborting a newborn baby. You're aborting a fetus. It's already against the law to abort a fully developed child.

A fetus is already alive, so i think abortion is really illegal
Why eki should do more fact checking in future posts.
Originally Posted by eki27 View Post
Kirito has a point, but i dont think mothers would risk their lives(when youre pregant you have a 50:50 chance to live) for an 'accidental' baby and just give it to an adoption center.

Erm... no. Not in places where abortions are safe or where the government would have the authority to stop abortions happening.
Originally Posted by
there are 18.5 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births in the U.S.

( Admittedly this is only for live births. But I can't see still births having a mortality rate of 99,981.5/100000 so the average would still be well below 1/2.
Originally Posted by eki27
When the baby is still a fetus

Originally Posted by Google's definition of fetus

noun: foetus
an unborn offspring of a mammal, in particular an unborn human baby more than eight weeks after conception.

Originally Posted by Google's definition of baby

a very young child, especially one newly or recently born.
"his wife's just had a baby"

Oh look, the definitions for those two things you described as being potentially overlapping at times do not overlap at all at any time.

And who cares if a foetus is alive? Sperm is already alive. Our planet is covered in life. Living matter is everywhere. Being alive means so little. It is how advanced the life-form is which matters.

edit:I just checked the value for developing countries. It is about 230/100000. Some countries have maternal mortality rates of about 1000/100000 but this is considered extremely high.
Source:(World Health Organisation)
Last edited by Zelda; Aug 1, 2015 at 01:48 PM. Reason: More stats
Good morning sweet princess