I'm garbage at abd, tf? I'd appreciate being placed up for lenshu or tk, or not at all, but definitely not abd. Flexing on the poor in bet servers does not constitute me being remotely good at abd. Same goes for the majority of the list - there are a handful of players that are leaps and bounds better beyond many that are listed.
Originally Posted by Gentleman View Post
I'm garbage at abd, tf? I'd appreciate being placed up for lenshu or tk, or not at all, but definitely not abd. Flexing on the poor in bet servers does not constitute me being remotely good at abd. Same goes for the majority of the list - there are a handful of players that are leaps and bounds better beyond many that are listed.

Even if you do flex, we all know you are good at ABD.
also is classic considered a mod?
if so Dezrai, Mused, Vayne, Static, Shiro, Mack should be there.
Well when you’re fighting people who aren’t very skilled, it’s not that hard to make yourself look good. Main reason why some people are on this list when they shouldn’t be.
doesn’t matter how much shit people post here, there is never going to be a list that pleases everyone for a handful of reasons.

1. different “generations” or “waves” of players’ opinions on how good different players are varies greatly. for example, erth posted that this entire list is fuckin wack, and i don’t disagree. but if he were to make a list, i could garuntee that 75% of the people on there wouldn’t be. instead they’d be replaced with whoever was prevalent during erth’s most active time period. and it goes both ways. take a newer player and have him make a list, and it would consist mostly of people like diamond, itemp, wounder(tbash), and shmevin. (no disrespect to any of these players)

2. nobody in this community knows the level of skill everyone is at. no single person has seen first hand all of these different players in all of the situations they’ve been in. some players on this list made a name for themselves in bet servers, but if they were to do any high stakes matches they would get absolutely shit on. in most other things like sports or different video games, players are ranked based on their statistics and achievements. toribash does have an existing system for some statistics, but it is extremely flawed and can be manipulated via numerous loopholes. none of them have any correlation to one’s skill level. with no concrete way of ranking, it leaves the community to rank people based on opinions alone.

3. which leads me to my 3rd point, opinions are super fuckin biased and they’re an unreliable way to rank players. some players don’t like others and solely based on that, they think they’re a shitty player. also opinions are heavily swayed based on someone’s time period in which they played (basically my 1st point) players tend to praise their buddies or clanmates in the community and would put them on their list because of that.

anyways i have no fucking idea why i wasted the time to make this post. i hope my reasoning made sense. even the idea of ranking players without any viable data or information is god awful. this shit should not exist.
I agree with this post so much due to the main point where you stated “ some players don’t like others and solely based on that, they think they’re a shitty player” this definitely applies to me since every time I duel I always shit talk down the other person because I know I’m the fucking best and can out best them in any way possible, and I really liked the second point you provided because half the players on this list could not compete against high tier players in high stakes duel and stand their ground.
Fade's point hit the nail on the head.

Really like the explanation and a statistics suggestion is cool as there's a lot more involved than win ratio.
<a href=https://imgur.com/gallery/AnXm6 target=_blank>https://imgur.com/gallery/AnXm6</a>
Dargon Moderated Message:
Infracted for having the best goddamn replays in Toribash history.

Welp someone finally summed up what I couldn’t be bothered to say. This entire list is basically a circle jerk, and hasn’t got much validity. There isn’t really a solid way to measure someone’s skill either due to so many underlying factors.
List is meant for various good players and for duelers to match with people though lol.

Of course in time it'll be organized and restructured accordingly.
<a href=https://imgur.com/gallery/AnXm6 target=_blank>https://imgur.com/gallery/AnXm6</a>
Dargon Moderated Message:
Infracted for having the best goddamn replays in Toribash history.