You do realize regi himself said that Xpecial got benched because of his attitude. There is a reason he is considered one of the best supports in NA. But apparently you consider yourself god with that ...problem... of yours and think you are right no matter what. But alright man, if it makes you happy, you are right, I am wrong.

On another topic, anyone here wanna trade mystery skin for mystery skin?

[12:17] Windows 93: lol
devils a dongo

i dont understand how playing the same game but w/o a premade team is a completely different game to you, but yes thank you, you are in fact wrong
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

ranked 5v5 teams IS quite different to ranked 5v5 solo/duoq, mainly because when you're on a team playing with the same people constantly, you start to get a feel for how they play and they get the same feeling about you, wheras in soloq it's basically you have to try and guess how your team mates will respond when you do one thing, etc etc. duoq, you basically know how 1 person will act, with the other 3 being a bit foreign to how you play.

also i hate duoq bot, they never seem to ping/alert if their lanes go missing... like EVER.

also yes, i know i'm silver, i know i don't know the "pro plays" of the game, but this is just general insight over my years of playing the game Tyzi. also stop fanboying all over faint, unless faint likes it which in that case, continue doing it.

Originally Posted by Przero View Post
ranked 5v5 teams IS quite different to ranked 5v5 solo/duoq, mainly because when you're on a team playing with the same people constantly, you start to get a feel for how they play and they get the same feeling about you, wheras in soloq it's basically you have to try and guess how your team mates will respond when you do one thing, etc etc. duoq, you basically know how 1 person will act, with the other 3 being a bit foreign to how you play.

also i hate duoq bot, they never seem to ping/alert if their lanes go missing... like EVER.

also yes, i know i'm silver, i know i don't know the "pro plays" of the game, but this is just general insight over my years of playing the game Tyzi. also stop fanboying all over faint, unless faint likes it which in that case, continue doing it.


Basically what I meant to say but seeing Tyzi's ...problem... he must have a hard time understanding stuff. And I am okay with that Thanks for clearing it up Preztle

you either play good or play bad, and thats what lolking/lolnexus is for
you can figure out if theyre good with said position or champ, based on stats, not how you suck eachother's cocks on how much they contributed even if they were carried. you sugar coat shit when youre on a team.
chances are if u have an amumu get a 4 man ult and ur team is full health and its a fair fight to begin with ur gonna go in and win the fight, NOT leave bc "its your style and everyone plays different!!!!!!!!"

agreeing with faint is sucking dick, devil is a pimp and you all need to slide off his dick ):
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

If you guys are willing to continue discussing the matter, do it without the insults. There's a controversial discussion, or a straight up argument. I will go ahead and delete the posts if the latter persists.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Changing topic, I recently found a program called IOgraphica.
It tracks your mouses movements and makes a map with lines representing where it went. The circles are where the mouse was stationary. Bigger circles = longer mouse stationary.

This was an aram I played a day or two ago as you can probably infer. I thought it was super cool. Gonna go ahead and makes maps for all of my games now.


Originally Posted by Devil View Post
You do realize regi himself said that Xpecial got benched because of his attitude. There is a reason he is considered one of the best supports in NA. But apparently you consider yourself god with that ...problem... of yours and think you are right no matter what. But alright man, if it makes you happy, you are right, I am wrong.

On another topic, anyone here wanna trade mystery skin for mystery skin?

they're allowed to say anything about anyone that is removed/benched from the team based on how they feel would be the best for the player. if you actually watched any lcs or tuned in to streams, you would notice that xpecial has been lacking in performance, as has oddone. like i said, oddone realized this, and stepped down when xpecial was removed. in my personal opinion, even if they said that they removed him for his attitude (which is weird because reginald said him and xpecial were basically best friends and moved him to curse to help his situation as best as he could), i feel that xpecial has NOT been performing as well as other popular supports in this current meta and hasn't been for a while. see: aphromoo, lemonnation, gleebglarbu

you may not THINK that these guys are as good as xpecial, but they are. i'm not saying that xpecial is BAD, but he definitely isn't as good as he was. there is a reason gleebglarbu is a 3 time challenger support main, and the fact that you disregard that by saying solo queue is completely irrelevant as compared to the lcs and etc. is slightly ignorant. did you notice that skt's entire roster is/was challenger, faker being #1 in korea? did you notice that sneaky was #1 in NA until wildturtle recently took his place, and every player on TSM and C9 have been/are current challenger players, or have the mechanical abilities to reach that position? i'm not saying that every player has to be challenger to make a good team, but the best teams are filled with the best players. wildturtle himself has been constantly duo'ing with gleebglarbu and this isn't even a huge surprise. everyone had a feeling the bench was coming soon and wildturtle has been apparently performing much better with gleeb, who is revered for his very aggressive play-style

i'm using solo queue as an example to display their personal mechanical/strategic abilities, and in no way am i literally comparing pre-made and soloqueue

Originally Posted by Devil View Post
I already state that I am gold and I admitted to not knowing everything about how soloque is different to lcs and you respond by saying that... Could you at least read the post before responding? If you want to asslick faint, you can always pm him, just stop being a retard here.

Edit: Since you have a ... problem... here is what I said before "But hey I might be wrong too, after all I am only a gold player so I wouldn't know, I just wanted to say that I was worried for tsm.".

if you're so "un-sure" about your opinion, then why do you bother arguing? it's kind of interesting that you're going even as far as to flame tyzi because of this. all i did was give my educated opinion to the current events, i have no idea why you decided to start throwing hate around

Originally Posted by Tyzi View Post
you either play good or play bad, and thats what lolking/lolnexus is for
you can figure out if theyre good with said position or champ, based on stats, not how you suck eachother's cocks on how much they contributed even if they were carried. you sugar coat shit when youre on a team.
chances are if u have an amumu get a 4 man ult and ur team is full health and its a fair fight to begin with ur gonna go in and win the fight, NOT leave bc "its your style and everyone plays different!!!!!!!!"

agreeing with faint is sucking dick, devil is a pimp and you all need to slide off his dick ):

but yeah, tyzi is sucking dick, not the other two dudes that are backing up your seemingly bad opinions on things that were skewed far out of perspective.

i was kind of surprised to see that this turned into a massive flame-fest, but it's okay, i thought i'd post and try to clear some things up. if you want to continue to flame me and/or tyzi i'll be sure to let ryan infract you

Last edited by Faint; May 12, 2014 at 11:54 AM.