View Poll Results: Revoke permanent ban on Tank
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Tank's ban from Toribash is a necessary and justified action that should not be overturned. The decision to ban him was likely made after careful consideration of his behavior and actions within the game. Toribash, like any other online community, requires its participants to adhere to certain rules and maintain a level of sportsmanship and fair play. If Tank has been found guilty of violating these rules, it is essential that the ban remains in place to preserve the integrity of the game and protect the experience of other players.

Bans are implemented to ensure a safe and enjoyable environment for all users. If Tank has engaged in activities that are detrimental to the community, such as cheating, exploiting, or engaging in toxic behavior, the ban is an appropriate consequence. By allowing him to be unbanned without proper repentance or understanding of the impact of his actions, it would send a message that such behavior is acceptable and tolerated within the game.

Moreover, maintaining the ban serves as a deterrent for others who may consider engaging in similar misconduct. It sets a precedent that rule-breaking and unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated, promoting a healthier and more positive gaming environment. Allowing Tank to be unbanned could undermine the efforts to maintain fair play and discourage others from engaging in disruptive behavior.

Toribash is a community where players come together to enjoy the game, challenge each other, and build relationships. Allowing Tank back into the game without addressing the reasons for his ban may disrupt the harmony within the community and create an atmosphere of uncertainty and mistrust. It is crucial to prioritize the well-being and enjoyment of the majority of players over the desires of one individual who has shown a disregard for the community's values.

In conclusion, the decision to keep Tank banned from Toribash is justified to protect the integrity, fairness, and overall experience of the game. Upholding the ban sends a clear message that violating the rules and engaging in unsportsmanlike conduct will have consequences. It ensures a safe and enjoyable environment for the community while discouraging others from following a similar path.
oh my god why am i so sexy !?
glancing through the smog in my deadtime
part of the uri-nation rateyourmusic
you clean your ears with a toothpick while listening to explosive diarrhea blood rectum metal
Originally Posted by ryuu View Post

I wish I could take my vote back after seeing this masterpiece XD.
I didn't know he was like that.
Who gave me a downvote for being kind to him .
hurh hurh hurh *chews grass*
Originally Posted by Doom9 View Post
cringe ryu/wizard i was 14 in this video plus its chopped and edited when you gonna grow up

Comet you're upset because you saw me win big on betserver today

oh yeah just in case you didn't see I'm a millionaire now mate
It is pretty interesting that all this unwarranted 'toxicity' gets hurled towards me and u mess with the poll and everything & it's okay for you to do that but you ban people for this behaviour when it suits you

Originally Posted by Bison View Post
I wish I could take my vote back after seeing this masterpiece XD.
I didn't know he was like that.
Who gave me a downvote for being kind to him .

When u simultaneously question why you're getting hated just for being honest with support and also switch sides like that... smh

Damn its an 8 year old video ffs, people are misconceived to think that's 2023 seriously? Im sure if you got any video of anyone 8 years ago it'd be pretty shitty too. Ill call or video any of you now. I don't insult people but I'm subject to countless insults, and propaganda pushed by people like epoch, wizard and a few others who are vets in the game that have influence. They chop & edit videos into a mockery, neglect other videos I made when I was older to address that because they were "normal and not cringy enough"

How can you be championing a ban so strongly while also being outright hypocritical and trying to cyber bully me off the game? This what always happens - people I'm cool with change their opinion due to propaganda being pushed by a hate group. You're talking about how toribash is a community for people to make friendships and that banning me is a stamp of the game's integrity whilst also fucking around with the poll, making un based statements and making a mockery of things

I never thought this sorta stuff would work and I'm happy with Doom9. You're also talking about "no sign of reforming", epoch, but that's just straight up untrue.

The truth is a bunch of you were in my betserver, comet, epoch, and after I warned you several times to just be nice and play, people like comet be wishing for the server to die, spamming "bad host" when nothings even going wrong just because my ruleset was different to esquads, evading bans to rejoin and be more toxic, and even though i cleared ban list. Epoch you insulted me, so I banned you after I let your bet run. Now you're gonna shit on me at every opportunity.

You people are so sour about something u dont even know about, it's unfathomable how u can be sitting behind the screen really thinking ur exacting some sort of justice while relaying this type of behaviour. Just take a look at this thread. If you were subject to any of this how would you feel?

Boost, you were warned about trying to provoke an argument and told to "forget about it" where you banned me unjustly and it got reversed. So that's why you're upset. Nonetheless I could've kept you banned in my server and chose not to because I'm mature

Keep tank banned its okay power to the people, I'll continue to be a good member as I have been - you wont find me directly insulting anyone. I could get people to come and vouch im nice but you will probably end up deleting their comments (yes you the type of people to do that), nor will i sink to your level anyway because I just don't care that much. Only saying this because some things need to be addressed and you are working a harder job to taint my name than I am doing so through my actions - are you getting paid for this or something? The poll was pretty even until u messed with it just saying. And come up with something new rather than swansong its an edited old video, I can release one right now and you will not address that though because it is not a vulnerable 14 year old boy venting about bad staff which I was right about, & is still inherent to this day, and the main reason - people know - that toribash is DEAD as a game & nabi collapsed.
It's amazing how you continuously neglect toxicity toward me but are quick to set bans or infractions at the most minor of things.

Anyway good luck I hope you all reform and look on your own actions

Just so you can see the distance between the years lmfaoooo cant believe u lot are still clutching swanswong like its gold
Last edited by Doom9; Jun 18, 2023 at 02:11 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by Takyon View Post
Let him back in so we can watch him get banned again

i second this, if i cared enough to report him this acc might already be banned as i remember pretty well that he told me i was the worst player of all time bc i didn't care enough to try for a 1k abd duel after smoking him in rk for like 15 minutes
Last edited by Nurse; Jun 18, 2023 at 02:34 PM.
Originally Posted by Nurse View Post
i second this, if i cared enough to report him this acc might already be banned as i remember pretty well that he told me i was the worst player of all time bc i didn't care enough to try for a 1k abd duel after smoking him in rk for like 15 minutes

U never smoked me

I have replays of u

proof cuz it didnt happen

come find me online we can do rk