/me imagines what things would be like if the community picked the moderators

dear god...
You're implying the community, unlike in real life elections (well, usually, or.. at least in some cases), is consisted of people unable to make decisions regarding their own well-being. ;o
Originally Posted by JireBank View Post
You're implying the community, unlike in real life elections (well, usually, or.. at least in some cases), is consisted of people unable to make decisions regarding their own well-being. ;o

What? Do you realize no democracy ever works? Do you realize any republic that has ever existed has not lasted forever? What?

People are always idiots.
Brothers! Comrades! It is not safe to speak here, for the walls have ears. This cruel system has spies everywhere- in our servers, our forums and even our clans!

Now at last, we have some spies of our own. Insiders, ready to tear apart this machine from the inside! However, we cannot do it alone, we need your help.

For many years I have planned and waited for this day to come. I have watched for too long, like many of you have, the injustices of this corrupt system from the other side of the thick glass window that is our social divide...

Now the time is right. Now we must act. Together we can smash through that barrier, shattering it into a million pieces! The web of deceit will be torn apart and a new golden age will dawn upon us my brothers...

Wait for my sign, and I shall lead you to victory.
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
What? Do you realize no democracy ever works? Do you realize any republic that has ever existed has not lasted forever? What?

People are always idiots.

Indeed. However, at least one dictatorship has been functionable and lasted till this day being succesful in global market etc. Ps., toribash doesn't count :S

Originally Posted by Revolutionist View Post
Brothers! Comrades! etc.

I approves.
my thoughts after reading this were:

Quit your fucking whining, they sink tc to reduce inflation, furthermore I don't see anything wrong with the administration team and their ability to handle this forum. Regular rotations of power keep it so that they don't all burn out.

[Edit] Sorry, I fail to understand humerous sarcasm
Last edited by tertywerty; Sep 16, 2011 at 09:05 PM.

[Evil] is recruiting!

<DesiTwist> terty plays tb with the ghost turned off, uke turned off and uses that mouse with the ball in it
Cool social experiment. I had quite a laugh reading this.
We're still kids in buses longing to be free.