The fanbase guaranatees the writers money, thus they probably wont try to make this movie the next dark knight, or the next pulp fiction. But i do expect to see a movie in which my fanboyism of gears can run freely
Mei fati dominus, mei animi dux
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Originally Posted by Organ View Post

nick chinlund would be an awesome marcus fenix

THAT is a good idea.
when i first played GoW that's who i thought he was supposed to be modeled after
You don't say?
As long it doesn't get made by Uwe Boll. But I can bet it will look like Uwe Boll movie just with better budget.
dude i loved Postal and In the name of the king

those movies of his were good
You don't say?
Wow, i hope you are right.
I just looked some shit up and i did not get any official results. It better be like the game too!
The Color BLUE is everlastingly appointed by the deity to be a source of delight.
I can't wait to see it!!! =D
It's gonna be fuckin' Epic!! or else the director will burn in hell =@
um the third carmine is on gears of war 3 clay carmine, gears 3 will come out in 2011 april and i thought it would be right on gears of war 1.
I LOVE that pop!
The Gears of War Movie souns pretty Badass. No, I hope Chuck Norris is NOT Marcus. Would be fairly stupid imo. Still, the moves would have to based on one of the games. If a game movie starts somewhere, they have to start at the beginning, so obviously we might see GoW 1 as the movie.

Also Cog, the game is coming out in september, they postponed due to the Beta.
It's. . . been too long.