Originally Posted by fcpavao View Post
To be honest, we've all download even if just once something illegally from the internet. (If you never did, man you're a saint.)


Imho, that was way to much. I know that some parents in Poland spank their kids (or, at least they used to) when they are younger just because they don't have any other arguments OR their kid is really fucking annoying. And why? Because they didn't teach (talking now about Poland parents) them good behavior, just coddled them (right word?).
THIS IS FAUKIN UNBAILAIVABLE . Lol, lets get serious. Fuck the judge, The girl doesn't deserve this kind of beating. Maybe a little spank on the butt... NOOOOO... this piece of shit has to hit her 50 times. (half of them were when she was down helpless) and the mom just sits there. This disgusts me.
I don't think she learned anything.

Just that her parents are kind of stupid. Thus their punishment failed, they beat their child up to cause pain, period; they're breaking the law themselves, he shows himself to be an incompetent judge who chooses which laws he decides to enforce, and now they are embarrassed on the internet. Yayyyy. Looks like everyone profited, yea?
Last edited by Acavado; Nov 3, 2011 at 10:49 PM.
This is messed up. That father should go to jail for domestic violence. God damn, discipline is one thing, but this.... WTF has our world come to?

Edit: Also, I would knocked the father out if I was her.
Many Families are like that all over the world.

Some Parents Think That They Have to behave to their children like their parents did to them when they where kids.This is how beating passes to other generations

Also Parents Think That Beating will teach Their Children a lesson.This is not true beating is a bad message to children and even the children may take wrong messages on what is good or bad.
(\(\(\ My work /)/)/)
_('ω'(Q) Have a Banana
While I don't agree with his actions she was effectively baiting him with the camera setup ready. I don't think she's as much of a victim as she makes herself out to be. Also the disabled spin off that's being put on this is stupid, she is willing and capable to secretly film the whole thing and release it with the intention of ruining her father's career. Also something to look over:

Originally Posted by Texas Child Discipline Law
Abuse does not include reasonable discipline by a parent/guardian/managing or possessory conservator if child not exposed to substantial risk of harm. Family Code Sec. 261.001.[Ci.] Parent/stepparent/person standing in loco parentis to child is justified to use non-deadly force against a child under 18 when and to degree the actor reasonably believes necessary to discipline, or safeguard or promote child's welfare. Penal Sec. 9.61.[Cr.]

Originally Posted by Texas Laws on Releasing Films
In this section, "promote" has the meaning assigned by Section
(b) A person commits an offense if the person:
(1) photographs or by videotape or other electronic
means visually records another:
(A) without the other person's consent;

She is in-fact working outside the law, he is not. Not to mention illegally downloading music and games.

I am in no way condoning spanking children, personally I disagree with it and find it to be a lazy method of teaching a minor right from wrong. However it happens and this man was acting within the law of his state and shouldn't be slated for it, he made the choice to discipline HIS child in this manner.
Last edited by Fee; Nov 3, 2011 at 11:09 PM.
Originally Posted by Fee View Post
While I don't agree with his actions she was effectively baiting him with the camera setup ready.

Yep, it's that she wanted to submit herself to vicious beating and was "baiting" her father to accomplish this result. What an ingenious evil plot!
Originally Posted by Fee
Also the disabled spin off that's being put on this is stupid, she is willing and capable to secretly film the whole thing and release it with the intention of ruining her father's career.

....Apparently you don't understand how ataxic cerebral palsy works, this quite simply DOES have a disabled aspect to it that can't be ignored.

I don't think pointing out Texas's ass-backwards laws really somehow justifies the judge's actions. This is not an issue of state law, this is an issue of morality. Further, even this isn't acceptable by state law standards. He would be prosecuted if not for the statute of limitations.
Originally Posted by Fee
She is in-fact working outside the law, he is not. Not to mention illegally downloading music and games.

Illegally....downloading music and games....?
Le gasp! What horrific act of criminality is this!? Quick, beat that man for rolling a stop sign!
By the way, invasion of privacy in almost all cases is a civil matter. Further, the vast majority of legal definitions of privacy note that it is acceptable when justified.
Originally Posted by Fee
I am in no way condoning spanking children, personally I disagree with it and find it to be a lazy method of teaching a minor right from wrong. However it happens and this man was acting within the law of his state and shouldn't be slated for it, he made the choice to discipline HIS child in this manner.

This is not spanking, this is whipping her with a belt and explaining to her such just parenting principles as "if you even look at me wrong, I'm gonna wear your fucking ass out with this belt." At the very least this is severe emotional abuse, threat of severe physical abuse (are you condoning felonious threats made against children?), and, more open to interpretation, severe physical abuse in and of itself. You're ducking around the issue by insinuating that she isn't the victim and by mistakenly claiming that state law allows this.

Edit: oh, and even if it were unreasonable to criminally try him, this is absolutely valid grounds to have any children removed from his custody by child protection services.
Last edited by Boredpayne; Nov 4, 2011 at 05:42 AM.
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Hey look more than two lines.
Some stupid ass on the comments said she deserves the belt again for posting the video and because she was planning it.
I guess she just wanted it to stop so she did what she did.
He also said that she faked the crying because once the Father left she stopped.
It was her screaming in pain since a sting does that to you.

Sick b*****d..

Don't steal from the intranetz.
Solax Moderated Message:
Infracted for a useless post.
Last edited by Solax; Nov 4, 2011 at 07:24 AM.