Sweet sparring mod, man. I love the waterfall. I don't spar that much but if I do I'll make sure to post a replay here.

Btw, for how long have you been making mods?
|Opener by Xioi|#KillTheScootCork|
"Cool delfin med solglajjor" -Larfen
Originally Posted by Mack View Post
Sweet sparring mod, man. I love the waterfall. I don't spar that much but if I do I'll make sure to post a replay here.

Btw, for how long have you been making mods?

Thanks Mack
About a year on and off.
OH JEZUZ i made a sick ass selfspar and then it said unable to save replay -.- me thinking it saved i pressed space gg 3 hours gone of that .-.
[LoP] [TF] [HaZZarD]
Originally Posted by UnknownPvP View Post
OH JEZUZ i made a sick ass selfspar and then it said unable to save replay -.- me thinking it saved i pressed space gg 3 hours gone of that .-.

I am not sure what could have caused that :S, I have quite a few replays of this mod.

Sorry if it was a fault with the mod, It is totally static objects though usually replay breaking things are moving parts or dodgy instawin coding in my experience.
nonono it was 100% myfault .-. i was watching the saved replay and then i pressed space i go to watch it and it loads the first 20 frames .-.
[LoP] [TF] [HaZZarD]
Hey blun7y im working on making a spar with someone also i figured out what went wrong with the previous replay I added a question mark on accident :/ so i'll have a replay out to you in a few days max.
[LoP] [TF] [HaZZarD]