Originally Posted by Warcry View Post
But Odlov, immortality is living forever. You don't have to be conscious forever.

What is "living" then? Imo there is no clear answer to what constitutes a living being. Anything that reacts to environment? Anything that is able to reproduce?

"Living" in a brain dead vegetative state is as good as living as a rock on the side of the road.

But you're straying off-topic War.

I'm sure religious people think of living in heaven/hell while being fully conscious and aware.
i believe you become another baby and the fact that nobody knows could hold true to my end of the conversation.but, if(emphasis on the if) we were to come back as other people then nobody would know unless you get a brain transplant or something.
Originally Posted by Odlov View Post
What is "living" then? Imo there is no clear answer to what constitutes a living being. Anything that reacts to environment? Anything that is able to reproduce?

"Living" in a brain dead vegetative state is as good as living as a rock on the side of the road.

But you're straying off-topic War.

I'm sure religious people think of living in heaven/hell while being fully conscious and aware.

Well, as far as I'm concerned, the difference between living and conciousness is that when you are conscious, you are aware that you are alive, whereas if you are alive, but not conscious, you have no thoughts, basically. Consciousness is just interpretation of our senses and remembering them. The thing that intrigues me the most is memory. How is it stored? Is it the electricity in your brain, or is it burnt into your brain, much like a CD being burned?
Originally Posted by Warcry View Post
Well, as far as I'm concerned, the difference between living and conciousness is that when you are conscious, you are aware that you are alive, whereas if you are alive, but not conscious, you have no thoughts, basically. Consciousness is just interpretation of our senses and remembering them. The thing that intrigues me the most is memory. How is it stored? Is it the electricity in your brain, or is it burnt into your brain, much like a CD being burned?

See though....What are "you"? You are a software. When your brain dies, you (the software) are destroyed. Sure, your body may remain, still breathing, full of living cells like a sack of potatoes. But thing which refered to itself as "I the Warcry" is already dead. Because when people say they are alive, they don't refer to the bacteria which help them digest food, or the cells that make them up.

As for memory, i read a couple articles on it a while ago. Seems that more trivial things are stored in electrical state of our neurons, while things like language are stored differently, in the very structure of the brain.
Last edited by Odlov; Jun 29, 2009 at 11:00 PM.
My god you guys should go to MIT smarties , And for me, I really do not give a crap what happens when I die, whether it be going to heaven/hell or just like being unconscious, but dead. To me death is just when your life has failed too hardcore and you have to find your final resting place.

Originally Posted by Odlov View Post
See though....What are "you"? You are a software. When your brain dies, you (the software) are destroyed. Sure, your body may remain, still breathing, full of living cells like a sack of potatoes. But thing which refered to itself as "I the Warcry" is already dead.

As for memory, i read a couple articles on it a while ago. Seems that more trivial things are stored in electrical state of our neurons, while things like language are stored differently, in the very structure of the brain.

when the brain dies, YOU die.

Originally Posted by Warcry View Post
Well, as far as I'm concerned, the difference between living and conciousness is that when you are conscious, you are aware that you are alive, whereas if you are alive, but not conscious, you have no thoughts, basically.

would you say someone who is asleep is not thinking?

that is all
I love you
Originally Posted by Odlov View Post
Well, as far as we know our consciousness is only sustained by our cerebral cortex, which breaks apart when we die. I really don't think there's some magical immaterial "soul" which somehow sustains our ego and memories after that. It just doesn't make sense.

Frankly i am perfectly content with the thought of no afterlife.
First of all because immortality (in my view) would be the worst torture imaginable. Being permanently locked in a state of consciousness and perceiving the ever familiar environment (no matter how 'good') forever and ever and ever would likely drive you insane. It's like trying to play some really fun game (like GTA4) 12 hours a day for 10 years, only much worse.

Yes, I agree. The very idea of having a "soul" is confusing to me. -would type more but going to work
Originally Posted by mikotaku View Post
when the brain dies, YOU die.

would you say someone who is asleep is not thinking?

that is all

I would say that, yes. However, if they were dreaming, they would be thinking.