Agreed with invite-only.

With the tournment stuff, I reckon it should be an uber big one with different clans and have say three people representing each clan and then the clan who wins gets the money, rather than just individuals. Just an idea.
Originally Posted by HiVoltage View Post
I would like this clan to be more dedicated. I find that sometimes people get in that don't deserve it. I like everyone here, but I don't want to be a stepping stone to get to other clans, or for people to join, and then leave a month or less later. If it were harder to get in, People might need to be more dedicated to get in. Again, I like you all, but I don't want to become like freestyle. A gateway for newbies. Also, Solution: Making it much harder to get in the clan.

I agree with your solution but how would you go about making it harder to get in? Would you just raise the standards in general? Make it invite only? Have all applicants go through and ingame test?
Phail once said that this was a personality based clan. It wouldn't be.
I don't think that is what Sigma wants, Ele. It is how I saw the clan and how I judged it, but maybe that is just me.
lead Sigma
HiVoltage has said exactly what I would like to see happen.
And so did Fresh. :3
<lumpysolo> ermergerd it's jalis <lumpysolo> love u too jalis <3
<jalis> you are worthless <jalis> ignored for my sanity
I did the mass kick for one reason. I deduced that it would be beneficial to the whole clan, from what I had been told recently. Too many people complained about there being an impersonal feeling. That there was too many people to feel close. When members start considering leaving for those reasons, it's time to change something. As I have stated numerous times, the Council is a total farce. You guys have been so out of touch with what actually goes on in the clan. I had to take action, because otherwise nothing would be done.
Originally Posted by Warcry View Post
I did the mass kick for one reason. I deduced that it would be beneficial to the whole clan, from what I had been told recently. Too many people complained about there being an impersonal feeling. That there was too many people to feel close. When members start considering leaving for those reasons, it's time to change something. As I have stated numerous times, the Council is a total farce. You guys have been so out of touch with what actually goes on in the clan. I had to take action, because otherwise nothing would be done.

Can't we just scrap the council?
Just give everyone an equal say, I think everyone in the clan is trusted enough. If you couldn't put trust on someone in the clan then they shouldn't be allowed in anyway. You must have a certain amount of trust in a person to let them into the clan in the first place. Also, I'd like to see a proper poll system for applicants and ally requests.