Originally Posted by veb View Post

buy this buy this buy this!!

lol, worst recommendation ever, Toshiba is still a good idea, and hanz0 made allot of good points, I too am an ASUS fan.
I really dislike Asus. The laptop degrades shortly after buying it. It does NOT last like a toshiba does. It`s good for the first few months then you might as well chuck it out the window. Asus and Gateway are 2 of the brands I would never recommend to anyone due to the countless problem`s i`ve experienced with them.

Go with a Toshiba satelite or Qosmio.
Originally Posted by Organ View Post
toshiba makes great laptops for price, i would go with a toshiba satellite series laptop if you're looking for a laptop that can handle moderate gaming, if you want a good gaming laptop though go with the qosmio series, they're a bit more expensive but worth the price

I agree with Organ. :3
Im running toribash on full shaders using a Qosmio X305-Q708 well worth the price.
Just thought i should let you know. ^^

So, Qosmio seems like a pretty great laptop considering what I'm going to be running. Just looked at the features. Looks like Qosmio is winning at the moment, for a great price!
yep the qosmio series laptops from toshiba are a really good choice for decent gaming laptops, not only that but they have other really nice features as well
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