Wow... read that whole thing.. ya know what I got from it? Religious fanatic who takes pride in his 100000 dollar gold trimmed bible.... I'm greek orthodox and I'm not in everyone face with my religion. And I do agree with you though, atheists have no faith in anything. If an atheist had a chance to murder and steal without being caught, since they don't believe in hell, if they were sleazy I'm sure they would.

Then again, some atheists are more sophisticated then most people. But that's not a steriotype.
Originally Posted by swyne View Post
do people even care about this type of shit on 4chan?

that was kind of the idea...
Last edited by Zayex; Mar 31, 2011 at 08:52 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
The reaction here is quite similar, to the reaction I got on 4chan.
Well nevermind. I'm satisfied with the outcome of this thread.
''The second industrial revolution has yet to be fully experienced by 17% of the world as nearly 1.3 billion people still lack access to electricity.''