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buying servers
You can buy your own server for 500k-1000k that is constantly running even without anyone in it like those public servers.

Obviously you have to follow the rules like no racism...... but I think this suggestion could work
I think this is a great idea, clans or people that host bet servers regulary can sure use this.
The fact it also brings a bit tc sink is also nice.

But eh, I don't want to see a server list full of uninteresting permanent servers. So IF this would ever get implemented, there also should become a "Show custom permanent servers" checkbox or something.

Then I don't know anything about coding and stuff, but couldn't this make the database or whatever it is getting full faster? I remember this happening a couple of times like a month ago, all servers dissapeared because the database was full and only hampa could fix it.
If permanent servers can cause that, it would be a waste of the list.
Rapid Threads Lmod.
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I think it should be cheaper. While potentially increasing the number of bad perma-servers, limitation to what you can do with your server (and perhaps moderation of them) would completely stop this. If there was a limited stock of servers this would also prevent excessive server list clogging and make the item more valuable. If it were possible to make permanent servers a marketable item representation then this would also increase the value of them, otherwise other systems of server transfer/trading for tc could be implemented to keep the number of servers low while the same old servers just get recycled and traded among people. It it were an item on the tori-shop it would also probably make it easier and more effective to have a limited number of servers, but I understand that making them an item is probably quite difficult in terms of programming.
Good morning sweet princess
This used to be a thing. It was changed when you were given the ability to create a room on a whim. It'll stay this way.
[23:23:53] <AndChat|700625> Blue eyes ultimate dragon best card
[23:24:29] <AndChat|700625> You know the one with 3 heads
[23:24:39] <~Lightningkid> just like my dick

[11:35:40] <box> Hampa suck
[11:36:21] <hampa> not the first to tell me that today
Originally Posted by box View Post
This used to be a thing. It was changed when you were given the ability to create a room on a whim. It'll stay this way.

Why though ?

I'm sorry if I'm kinda bringing up an old thread, but I was thinking about it and, as I did a little bit of research, I'd rather bump an old thread than create a new one.

I think it'd be a fantastic feature ! As a modmaker I constantly need to playtest mods, and with as many people as possible. If I could let a server run for a week with the same mod (like the featured server they set up for example), and an motd referring to my modpack thread, it would be really helpful !

On top of that it could help us showcase our new working mods by having them on like a regular public server. Would make modmaking more enticing, rewarding, and potentially help the mm community grow. Which could lead to more great new mods !

It could come with very strict rules : perhaps the owner would have to explain specifically why he'd like to rent out a private server, and get rejected if needed?
Last edited by DashSora; Jul 9, 2016 at 10:57 AM.
Originally Posted by zwouter View Post
I think this is a great idea, clans or people that host bet servers regulary can sure use this.
The fact it also brings a bit tc sink is also nice.

But eh, I don't want to see a server list full of uninteresting permanent servers. So IF this would ever get implemented, there also should become a "Show custom permanent servers" checkbox or something.

Then I don't know anything about coding and stuff, but couldn't this make the database or whatever it is getting full faster? I remember this happening a couple of times like a month ago, all servers dissapeared because the database was full and only hampa could fix it.
If permanent servers can cause that, it would be a waste of the list.

What you said can just ring out ideas to make this work for instance.

For a while we should only have 5 24/7 running servers, people will have to send tc and give a reason to as of why they want this too happen, (24/7 bets etc) The people that would decide on this (prolly smods) would than cast a vote out of 5 people 3-5 yes = the server is made 3-5 no's would mean the server is not created.

Besides from all of that, there is WAY to many beginner server's for white belts etc.
they call me ????????????