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buying servers
You can buy your own server for 500k-1000k that is constantly running even without anyone in it like those public servers.

Obviously you have to follow the rules like no racism...... but I think this suggestion could work
I dont support this. You could be like Clow and just sit in a server speced all day everyday but i think it would be useless to own a server.
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
I don't support this, seems extremely pointless and not needed. You can easily just make your own server and run it that way.
"do it again and i'll insert my giant watermelon dick into your cornhole" ~ Smaguris
I'm not sure people are realising the potential of having a permanent server which didn't need you to be on it to exist. I feel like it should require a large forum based process to set up and would have options for mod rotors in a "permanent server" section in your user cp.

I'm not sure about the prices. How many people would be willing to spend that much on something like this. If there was a strong enough system to control people abusing this then such a high price might not be needed.
Good morning sweet princess
well in all honesty i believe this would be good with calns. :/ i mean have your own little clan meet up. invite people to war or for fun. have only the clan leader as admin. and work like that. so yeah this is suggestion is really working with the clans if you think about it :P
Last edited by Lazors; Mar 10, 2015 at 12:00 AM. Reason: Please don't use colours.
You dont really need to own a server to meet up with clans. Whenever i come on i just do /rf then /sa wapow and then i know where everyone is then i just say in our skype chat "jo wapow if ya wanna look for war" and then we have met up.

i feel like it would be useless because we already have all the pub servers that are open 24/7 unless something happenes. I just feel like this would be pretty pointless because what will happen to this server when your not on. Pretty much nothing because if people wanna hang out ingame they can just make their own servers
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
If peeps will spend TC on it then it's justifiable. The only thing we need to find out is if anyone would want to buy this and whether people would pay enough for us not to be spammed with shitty permanent servers.

A frequent event hoster such as Det might want to have a permant server on hold. People might just wait for him to get ingame and host an event there (so they didn't have to wait in the queue so long). It also serves to advertise him. Anyone rich enough and dedicated enough to but their own permanent server is probably a pretty seriouse Toribasher. I don't think it is useless at all.
Good morning sweet princess
I could see this working for official Clans, kind of like how you can buy a private board. I'm gonna support this. It would also be great for removing TC from the system.
I find this so god damn useless and also waste of TC. Why would you want to pay 500k-1kk just to have a permanent server that doesn't need you to run. I can't figure out how this thing would be usefull.

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