That's some good stuff! I like it overall, but there's one thing I need to talk about here. I liked literally everything except the pose, however that's my personal preference. Everything else looked awesome to me. Nice job on this replay
the beginning of the replay look really twitchy and stuff I think it was intentional maybe and I'm not good at madmans n stuff so just ignore this lmao

but everything leading up to the manip and the early parts of the manip looked jerky and forced to me. gave me a toriboner over all tho
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
hot cock dude

the momentum shift at 333 was the only not hot cock part

Need help? PM me!
إد هو العاهرة
sweet manip
sexy moves
so smooth moves
really cool dms
great job man!
Power Punch

quick free roam parkour on some sick jisse mod

i drawed dis shits
Attached Files
plance.rpl (1.08 MB, 35 views)
parkour_cavern.tbm (27.4 KB, 18 views)
imo isn't up to par with what i expect from a de replay these days, movement wasn't great, it was messy af a lot of the time, and didn't look as controlled as your replays usually do. There wasn't really anything that stood out to me as special or unique about this replay either. but despite all that it isn't actually a bad parkour, its just, like i said, that i expect more from a dezrai replay :P


i changed from 6.8 to 7.2 because after closer examination you kept your momentum quite nicely and your arm movement on the jump was pretty good.
oy senpai
ok tbh the start of this thing is pretty awkward mostly because of that knee extending and the lumbar leaning
after that the run got better but still a little twitchy
the jump was pretty neat thought and you didn't fuck it up after standing :v
that little jump you did after the run was twitchy just relaxed your core and shit which made it look bad
rest was good.
more effort senpai
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
hi thxf for the cnc
this replay is really dumb u can tell me if u hate it i dont mind
Attached Files
wahwawawah.rpl (329.3 KB, 46 views)
balance.tbm (222 Bytes, 27 views)
Last edited by Dezrai; Sep 6, 2016 at 07:32 PM.