Originally Posted by dengue View Post
simply mod
anyone can do this

stfu, you couldn't do better

ONtopic: but could you make one were the stop thing is Farther? from the middle so they can like fly?
@dengue: Shut the fuck up and do it before i do, idiot. Yes, anyone can do it, so what? I don't see anyone having made it before (except Popz, but he has like, made everything). What i see is NOT constructive criticism, it's just a really fucking bad comment with no purpose whatsoever. Think through your posts before posting them. Pardon me for raging, but seriously, that just crossed the line of what i'm going to take today.
Now excuse me, i'm going to go around chucking comments like yours at every creation in this board, because they will surely help the creator improve his/her mod to my liking.

And before i forget, thanks to everyone of you commenters, except dengue. I don't mind negative comments, as long as they are constructive, but horrible comments such as that one just bugs me like hell. It's like saying "LOL DIS SUX BALLS", and expecting the receiver to actually have any use of it. WHY does it sux balls? WHY is it simple and boring? WHAT can be improved? HOW can it be improved? Information, post it.

Post-rage addendum: Please don't take it personally, dengue, i'm just really ill tempered, and i can't really help it. ._.

Edit: @qq5ben: Yeah, shouldn't be too hard.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Originally Posted by shook View Post
Post-rage addendum: Please don't take it personally, dengue, i'm just really ill tempered, and i can't really help it. ._.

No, Shook, you're quite right, he's been talking shit ever since he showed up here.

dengue: I'm just about fed up with your crap. Post something constructive next time. Crap comments will be deleted on sight.

And/or infracted. In the goddamn face.
Last edited by hanz0; Jan 20, 2009 at 09:41 PM.
I'm back, I think... :)
Mod Pack
whats with dengue? whats he have against shook? jealous?

back on topic:
APPROOVED *sings "joy to the world" happliy* ill be posting some replays of this coolio mod later. (proabably going to edit this post)
- its been a while
[NO] approves this mod. :D
Attached Files
hanz0_ARMSPEAR.rpl (39.8 KB, 16 views)
hanz0_suprakick.rpl (83.9 KB, 15 views)

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
if you love america please sign this petition
Oooh! it's official and MP approved!!!

@dengue. I'd apply the same they say to how you always criticize other people's heads, some of which are good. >.>

Perhaps it is easy to make. Perhaps it could be done by just about anyone. but HE thought of it. The Idea is what separates this from less popular mods

also, perhaps a way to prevent people from jumping out so easily?

Like an instagib ceiling!
I'm Nevil
yah ive just hosted a server, with this mod (make the name PRO JOUST and the desc name: TIRED OF NORMAL JOUST?, and lots of people will come)

pretty good, but people seem to want to get out of the chairs and that results in something lame, the people just miss each other. still, its really, really fun. 8D.

to stop them from jumping out, make a ring type 0 (so its a box) and sise 600. this will prevent people from getting out halfway through (cuase they'll just DQ).

ive played, and the best type of time frame for me was:

to stop nubes form doing symetrical attacks, you can use just a little rotation, like 5 rotations and itll sucessfully mess their plans up.

well. this is just some info for people who want to host their own server with this mod, i think some people like it cuase they were asking me what mod it was. 8D

dammit, forgot to save replays... oh well.

- its been a while
@Skazz and friendlyneighborhoodmod: Thanks.

@hanz0: YES! ;o

@Junt: Will do, at some point. When i slug myself together to do it. >.>

@SenseiJak: Hmm, that could actually be an issue. And it could be pretty fun to have a *bonk* ceiling to hit if people tried to hop away like frogs.

@blkk: Haha, sweet, thanks for the test run information!

And no, i haven't forgotten this, i'm just lazy as fuck.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol