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Announcing: Cyborg Set
What's up?

Time for a new full body customization set!

You could have already got a glimpse of it at our Facebook page or noticed that mysterious header image on forum.

Well, now it's here!

Cyborg is now available in Torishop for 1 million Toricredits or $100.
There are 20 sets only, and there will be no restocks.

Those who get it within next two weeks will get several additional items listed below to complete their look:

Demon Force
Demon Gradients
Demon Torso
Cobra Relax
Adamantium Blood
Adamantium Ghost

Last edited by sir; Apr 18, 2017 at 04:59 PM.
Omg this is a bit way too pumped up

But looks like a great 3d work look holeeshheet how much did it took?
Originally Posted by sir View Post
You don't buy a Lamborghini to get a Prius as a gift. The items were added because they fit the colors used in Cyborg models' textures, which imperial and pure don't do.

Well if you're gonna add Demon, which is a top tier item, you should also add it's counterparts. Pure + Imperial would most likely match this better anyway.

Which one honestly looks better


ok,honestly....not what i was expecting.seriously.

also,after we buy it,is possible to only activate certain pieces of the set?like for example only the head and the legs.

(just curious)
"Life is a journey, not a destination, enjoy the ride, with its ups and downs!"
Originally Posted by taaaaco View Post
Well if you're gonna add Demon, which is a top tier item, you should also add it's counterparts. Pure + Imperial would most likely match this better anyway.

i don't think you understood the whole "lamborghini with a prius gift" thing

if you want to get top-tier items with it, get it and get some top-tier items.

it gives you the colors that the item was modeled with and for, and that's it. Try not complaining about getting free shit.

looking forward for some more interesting releases and collectibles like this, guys <3. It doesn't look too bad at all imo. A little weird, but it becomes pleasing after the initial glance.

also yeah can we get simpler items as part of cool mini-features like the belts and stuff
ya'll did the whole thing with onyx, would be cool to make something similar as milestone items

and yes i know you can read that easily with my background, no one ever actually searches through posts for stuff like this what are you doing

not sure,i only know that flow made the legs,so its quite possible for it to be a collaboration
"Life is a journey, not a destination, enjoy the ride, with its ups and downs!"
Originally Posted by Flow View Post
I didn't do the legs.

Don't know the artist myself, but please don't mis-credit
Owner of Fred
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Do the thinner legs and feet affect game-play at all?
I also have the same question for the clunky right shoulder pad.
Originally Posted by Swepples View Post
Don't know the artist myself, but please don't mis-credit

oh,ok,thanks for telling me,i read something earlier in the thread that confused me about that flow did it.

anyways,no they shouldnt affect gameplay at all.they may sometimes hide some objects/parts of a tori(like every 3d item),but that is.
"Life is a journey, not a destination, enjoy the ride, with its ups and downs!"
Originally Posted by Jimjon17 View Post
Do the thinner legs and feet affect game-play at all?
I also have the same question for the clunky right shoulder pad.

They will not change tori gameplay or physics, only change may be some visual clarity issues. But that's negligible.
Wanna see some ruffled feathers in Taekkyon

<Icky> Damn my mouth is on fire but my loins stir like the straits