Most mac software will have an as good if not better equivalent on PC.
This thread is very fail. First may I ask why you want one? Second I agree completely with Blam. I a crapbook for 3 years before finally switching to pc and I love it completely still getting the hang of it. I might be able to see why you want a simplified computer which would be mac which just works. Also, if your not willing to do an EFI Patch just buy a macbook.
Well, thanks for all your help, even the negative comments presented some feedback, yes, i know i am not a very technical person, and that i knew somewhere in my mind that this was impossible, but, thanks for all of the support. I'll think of something one time or another.
I think the op is trolling, guys.
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Reanimator, that has been stated many times, you don't need to state the obvious once again.

Just sayin'