social networks are great in my opinion, like i use them to communicate with a lot of my friends from old schools and old cities...my favorite social network is facebook by far
Social networks are a great way to connect to friends and meet and connect with new friends. It is great cause it allows you to keep in touch with people you went to school with years ago. My favorite by far is Facebook, it seems a lot safer than most other social networking sites.
social networks are pretty dumb, at least the ones like twitter and facebook that sort of replace msn.

why they are dumb? because everyone talks about them and there are movies about the people who made those networks and every companie have a page on those networks, but its nowadays, give it some 1 or 2 years and facebooks and twitters will start to go down because msn and other programs/websites are much easier to use. It's like fashion, sometimes its cool , sometimes its not cool and facebook is cool now but it wont be cool later when people get bored of it. ( just like i got bored of toribash )
Last edited by AkumaBeast; Dec 30, 2010 at 07:11 PM.
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I still haven't made any social networking account(myspace, facebook, etc). I use twitter to see what notch is up to while bored in class on my cell phone but that's about it. I just don't really see the use to me.
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Personally, I think Social Networks are good for people WHO USE THEM FOR LOGICAL PURPOSES.

It's to speak to people. It certainly does make communicating to one or more people faster and much more efficient than email (in some cases). Some users are the perfect example of overkill, though... For example, I DON'T like to see on Twiiter "eatin hot dogs" or "taking a shower, brb." Social Networking sites should:

A - Help you connect to people and speak to them for a logical reason
B - Increase your productivity by enabling a faster way of conferencing a conversation
C - Release news or important information to the public

Social Networking sites are good, but they're being abused by the average teenager who:
A - Can't speak or write English without using "texting slang" (brb, wats up, g2g, u, cul8tr)
B - Are all already in the process of reproducing with someone else
C - Think that they are "all that"
D - Feels that every action they do should be posted on the Social Networking websites
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Originally Posted by LastGod View Post
Social Networking sites are good, but they're being abused by the average teenager who:
A - Can't speak or write English without using "texting slang" (brb, wats up, g2g, u, cul8tr)
B - Are all already in the process of reproducing with someone else
C - Think that they are "all that"
D - Feels that every action they do should be posted on the Social Networking websites

Abused? I chuckled.
A- It's the internet. There's no need for them to type properly. Why so serious?
B- Having a good time =/= abusing the internet.
C- Seems like you're just bitching about your peers. Why not be try being friends with them? Social reject stance gets old after you turn 13 bro.
D- How does using Facebook = abuse? Prets sure Mr. Zuckerberg is more happy that people are using his services than not.

Chill bro, it's the internet.

Now, brb m8, gtg take a shower.
Shut the fuck up Todd.
Originally Posted by Yagamai View Post
Abused? I chuckled.
A- It's the internet. There's no need for them to type properly. Why so serious?
B- Having a good time =/= abusing the internet.
C- Seems like you're just bitching about your peers. Why not be try being friends with them? Social reject stance gets old after you turn 13 bro.
D- How does using Facebook = abuse? Prets sure Mr. Zuckerberg is more happy that people are using his services than not.

Chill bro, it's the internet.

Now, brb m8, gtg take a shower.

A - The internet is to communicate. Research on the original purpose of why the internet was created. It would be very... problematic if people started to use that slang in real life. Communication would become a disaster. Imagine if they actually pronounced each individual letter and number instead of speaking what the slang "txtin" version stands for (not saying "be right back," but "B - R - B")

B - Having a good time.... It shows that they don't take the consequences into full consideration, making it worrisome to users online that they might do something that could influence even younger children (in the bad way).

C - That's the problem. Teenagers who think they are "all that" are the bad influence to follow. Self-Respect and confidence is promoted, but there are limits to everything. It's almost impossible to socialize normally as human beings when they: respond to conversations with "That's yo problem, dawg. I got my own shit to deal wit" or "just do what I do, man! leave it dere. It ain't gunna do nutthin ta ya." Alongside that, when they completely ignore any attempts at the conversation by texting on their phone, I am pretty sure that it's about time to give up on trying to befriend that specific peer. Guess how many bad experiences that are either somewhat similar or exactly the same I have gone through, or heard of...

D - Not just FaceBook. Many average teenagers these days like to spam Twitter, FaceBook, MySpace, and other networks with useless, pointless, and stupid information. When people are on Twitter, no one cares if their friend just finished a burger. And no one certainly cares about the fact that they got on the bus FIVE SECONDS LATER. Wouldn't you be somewhat annoyed if people flooded your text messages with that kind of information?
"walkin down ----- street" - "just turned" "havin lunch now" "done wit lunch"
You could, of course, delete all the text messages or ignore them altogether, like social networks, but it's still annoying.

There's a difference between USING FaceBook, and SPAMMING FaceBook.
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while most of what you said is true i take issue with your critique of slang and dialect

did you realize that a long time ago English had conjugated verbs
even as late as shakespeare give, giveth for example
we still conjugate the third person singular for some odd reason

I run | we run
you run | (insert whatever you use for second person plural, i use y'all) run
he runs | they run

well i suddenly grew tired of trying to make a point but...

language shouldn't be held back by the idea that i can't do what i want with a word
I use acids as a verb
I drop the g from ing
and i pronounce "than" as "then"
and the as "the" not "thee"

language changes and while i hate when i hear "oh" "em" "gee"
its not really hurting anything so life goes on

also i truly hate text messaging
and i continue a rigid policy of hitting people when they text while in a conversation with me.
it takes all the human out of communication
and without the human what are we?

there should be no problem poking more holes in this than swiss cheese mainly because its 4 am and i'm out of coffee
if it doesn't make sense i will edit in the morning
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Of course, I do know that English had conjugated verbs. The main thing that irritates me is the improper use of the language overall. By no means will we see "WTF" as an official word in the English dictionary.

Unfortunately, I have never seen any dialect of English, from any time period, use the words "dawg," "zup," "mah," and "yo" in the manner that the more modern... unprofessional dialects of English use.
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yeh Social networks are great to keep touch with family and friends. i just dont think networks such as facebook dont need 2 add all these games 2 it because in my house hold all you here is i need the computer to check my crops or to check my facebook. so although its good it can get addictive in many ways and interfer with the person/s life priorities