That's cool art, altho I'm unfamiliar with it. pretty freakin similar tho.
Last edited by KungFuJC; Aug 1, 2010 at 03:32 PM.
[GATA Elite #2][PigeonHive]Ldr's
I shal start mine in a few days.
I am going on holiday but im getting my bamboo tablet just before so ill make something one there and try to post it up in time.


quick question

are we alowed to makea sketch on paper? or does it have to be digital?
hanz0:Very well done. These annoy me much less than the default smilies we've got right now.
Nvm about mine , since I can't really shade well with photoshop besides that my scanner is not working so meh .
| GATA | Guild Wars 2 | Anime United |
imma get in on this, expect something from me by tomorrow
I type as I speak, with several commas and run on sentences, dont be hatin'.
Originally Posted by Ezeth View Post
ending two weeks from now

so in about 8 or 9 days
I type as I speak, with several commas and run on sentences, dont be hatin'.