Yep dude just got done visiting everyone. Was a blast
Former [AS] Co-Leader (Two times), Former [eVo] member, Current [TANG] member <3
-Age: 18

-GMT: -8:00

-Past Clans: [Zero], [Mylittle], [Vibe], [Evil], [nao], [Oblv], [xp], [Fyre], [piratez], [i]

-Past accounts/Alt accounts: I don't use alts anymore, i remember at one point i had a few but i don't know what they are.

-Why do you still play Toribash today? i like the community, this is one of the only games i've ever actually bonded with people and i stick around to hopefully see them and chit chat.

-What do you hope to achieve, accomplish in the future as a player of Toribash? be in a clan thats resected with members that are chill. Aka join evo.

-Why do you want to join [eVo]? cause you're a well known and respected clan, and the only clan that i can think of with a roaster full of down to earth people. i've always wanted to join but i've never quite been able to convince trip to add me.

-What can you bring to [eVo]? shitposts and the occasional drunken conversation over discord.

-Do you have any friends in [eVo]? If so who?
(This does not mean KNOW OF, this means who do you socialize and play with.) tripstone keeps trying to hold my hand, i think he likes me. freds a homie, i was his campaign manager for president. Tunas an old pal, i've been threw a bunch of shit with him. used to hang out with a lot more of you that i don't really see anymore so sorry if i leave you off the list. i still love you guys

Would you be willing to have a voice chat with [eVo] Members via Discord? Yeah, i'm usually in there when i have some free time.

Please tell us some information about yourself, the more the better: "im white, blonde hair and my nose is pointy"-Eminem. i play video games and smoke weed. sometimes ill go outside, not right now though cause its fucking cold and i hate the winter.(for tripstone) In the third grade made a popsicle stick castle in mrs. Greens class for valentines day. Because i was the last person in line on the day that we were making gingerbread houses, and there was no fucking gingerbread when i got up there, so i was the only person making a popsicle stick castle and the other kids were making fun of me for it, and i vividly remember this prick of a kid named tommy coming up to where i was fucking working and i started fucking buggin' me about my popsicle sticks and how i cant make a gingerbread house. so i grabbed a pair of safety scissors from the teachers drawer, went right up to the prick and cut this kids fucking hair off and the glued it to my popsicle castle.
if you want to know anything more that i might not have covered, Hmu in the discord, i'd be happy to talk to you.

Also include the easiest form of contact, Like Skype, PM, or Discord. discord is probably the most convenient. Zorow#9974
Last edited by Zorow; Jan 12, 2019 at 01:03 AM.
♥Team Aikido♦OoT♣Team Lenshu♠
~Link is my personal Dj
~ 19

~ EST (US)

-Past Clans:
~ (Vamp) (Mystic) and that's the only ones i can think of

-Past accounts/Alt accounts:
~Shadow0243, and Shadow0242

-Why do you still play Toribash today?
~I'm hoping to see the Toribash Community rise back in popularity like it has before. Also, I really enjoy sparring and parkour.

-What do you hope to achieve, accomplish in the future as a player of Toribash?
~ I honestly want to be a better person for the community of Toribash, or a role model for future players to look up to and play with

-Why do you want to join [eVo]?
~ It's been a clan i've looked up to since i joined in 2009. All the people that i've seen and watched have inspired me to be better at Toribash, and it be an honor to be amongst them, and to get to know them better.

-What can you bring to [eVo]?
~ My knowledge of Sparring and Parkour, for the most part. Anything else would be to help others in need of anything, to the best of my ability

-Do you have any friends in [eVo]? If so who?
(This does not mean KNOW OF, this means who do you socialize and play with.)
~ I never gotten the chance to get to know anyone really well within eVo, hence one of the reasons why i want to join. For the most part, they all seem like fun people to talk to.

Would you be willing to have a voice chat with [eVo] Members via Discord?
~ Absolutely! It depends if they want to though

Please tell us some information about yourself, the more the better:
~ Well, I do take a Martial Art in real life called Shaolin Kung-Fu. I've been doing it for more than 6 years now, and planning to continue doing so for much longer. I think it's nice to know that i'm not a daily player, but I will do all i can in order to be on as much as possible and to be active within discord. I also like to be nice to others to a certain extent, and usually try to humor a situation.

Also include the easiest form of contact, Like Skype, PM, or Discord.
~ The best way to contact me is on Discord: Zolvic#9387

Thank you for your time ^^
Azazel is the person i know most out of the rest of the members, though (apologies to Azazel xD)
Last edited by Zolvic; Jan 12, 2019 at 04:16 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Thanks for posting, in discussion.
Former [AS] Co-Leader (Two times), Former [eVo] member, Current [TANG] member <3