how am i supposed to take seriously the guy that put his asshole on wibbles

>Making fun of someone by calling them gay, whether or not you mean it, implies that you think being gay is funny or a joke in some way.

how does your mind work to believe this
Originally Posted by basic View Post
how am i supposed to take seriously the guy that put his asshole on wibbles

I feel like whatever you post on wibbles should absolutely not be taken seriously, let alone used as a point in a discussion like this. On the other hand I agree with loli, guy has lots of good points in his response. I don't think the thread should be closed just yet, unless people keep providing nothing constructive to the discussion.
I'm back on that bull like the cowboy
[Zero] [Parrot] [NOT] [TANG]
akina | oaky | haku | max | suka | static
If you're different from the norm you're going to be treated differently in some situations. That's not a LGBT specific issue, so stop acting like it is.
I read your most recent response to iTemp's post. I just have to say that I have no problem with transgender people because Transhumanism is going to become normal in the future (merging technology with our bodies). Also, while I do support and voted for President Trump, I did not support his decision to ban transgender people from military service whatsoever. On the other hand, I believe transgender people and women should be required to enroll in selected service just like men. From a scientific point of view, you either have an XX or XY sex chromosome pair. I don't see that being a serious issue given how fast technology is advancing and systems like CRISPR being used currently.
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Dargon Moderated Message:
Infracted for having the best goddamn replays in Toribash history.

Genuine question:
In your opinion, would someone that disagrees with the idea of being transgender, yet respects the choices of other people be considered a transphobe? Is it possible to remain truly neutral?


I agree with Maya on that point, you cannot agree and disagree with something at the same time, being neutral/passive involves accepting something but not enforcing the topic. If you dislike something you dislike it, you're not neutral or passive.

There's also a phrase called "agree to disagree", this also isint neutral, it may be neutral with the person you agree with , but outside of that as it's an opposing motive.

For example what I've just said is not neutral, as I've "taken a side" and in turn automatically disagreed with another person.
[🥒] x2 🥒x17

Yet Another Goomba Post/Thread
Originally Posted by Maya View Post
Suggesting that we "go out of our way to change our gender" is ignorant. This is not something we choose, it is something we find out about ourselves. The other things you listed are physical traits, ones which may factor into your sexual preference. Being trans is not a physical trait, and thus should not be a factor in your sexual preference.

im aware that you cant help it I am trans and being trans is a psychical trait trans literally stands for transitioning, transitioning physically into the opposite gender?

if you think that you do not have to transition to be trans you need to reconsider
listen to my music! | commission me!
its nice to see someone whos also on that trans spectrum, i wanted to ask your opinion on people who say they are trans but have no plans on actually transitioning. A lot of folk do this and it doesnt seem right to me.

A lot of replies in this thread aren't even close to constructive, they're just taking the piss and being toxic instead of trying to ask about what you mean by certain things. It's sad to look at.
Last edited by lily; Nov 22, 2019 at 10:20 PM.
i mean the only thing between a trans person and a cis person is well.. gender dysphoria..
i didnt say all that, what im saying is that to be trans you need to have gender dysphoria. Thats literally the only requirement you could say you need to meet to be trans.