it should be giver of death. But pls use the other threads for these king of questions and keep this thread for applications only
Pm me for deals
Hey, I do not multi clan....
I have no other accounts but this one.
I would like to know your sources, because I have been in one clan since I have came back to Toribash.
A couple members from [a] and [Evil] said I should join their clans but to both I have said that I am waiting for fl0w.
I have never multiclanned in my life.
Thanks <3
Last edited by iPod; Nov 25, 2017 at 04:10 AM.

Be Cool. Have Style.
i think you got lost here kid. shady is shady, so that's out final vote. There is no way around it
Pm me for deals
Alrighty then, sorry for being shady I guess lol.
I really appreciate your consideration either way.
I wish you guys good luck, and I hope I can still invade in the general chat thread <3

Be Cool. Have Style.
Yeah sure, dude.
You can still invade the general chat if you want to.
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