Clearly you don't understand the point I'm making.

It was simply more convenient to arrive and slaughter than systematically deal with a resistance effort.

Also, my phone has a 200 character limit.
back from the dead
Well I didn't kill any Natives, that was all europe or wherever the first people came from again. So FFFUUUU
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"it's not my fault, so it's not my problem". regardless of how much you contribute to the problem, right?
SuicideDo, the Brewtal Drunken Immortal.
And what might this problem be? The past?
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Every level of enforcement of work, business, or prosperity which deprives any harmless group of people of life, ways of life, homelands, and/or culture.
SuicideDo, the Brewtal Drunken Immortal.
So you're blaming current generations of American citizens for something that happened hundreds of years ago?

Flawless logic, sir.
back from the dead
Originally Posted by Oyster View Post
So you're blaming current generations of American citizens for something that happened hundreds of years ago?

Flawless logic, sir.

Yes and no. Moreover no.

Im blaming every generation for it's failure to raise it's children to mature into respectful and respectable individuals who know better than to ruin other people's lives merely to improve your own.

Every generation closer to the events is more responsible for failing to act in a mutually beneficial manner so that communal prosperity was held in higher regard than personal profit.

The colonists profited personally from the lands and resources stolen from people who had already been established here for many thousands of years.

What went down was the equivalent of a burglar entering your home, being someone you knew, inviting them in, serving them dinner, and then watching as they rape your wife and children, and club your knees out because it was someone you thought you knew you could trust.

Generations following the colonists had even been taught that "Indians" were the bad guys, savages and murderers.

In modern day society, technology is teaching us all about the importance of the environment, a lesson we could have learned by respecting the people who had mad this their home and maintained their life ways for many generations before our arrival.

Instead of respecting life and the quality thereof, "civil"ized people respect "progress" and the technology thereof, valuing the existence of life more than the quality of life, thereby inherently depriving life of quality.

Tribal people who know to be responsible about their numbers and resource consumption are living the correct example of harmonious and productive living.

Civil people who know to be responsible about their numbers and resource consumption are living the correct example, but tainted by the environment they are trapped within and given a bad name for being homeless and often times unclean.

You promote and support the control and monopolization of resources through civil services via circulation of currency.

I promote and support the disestablishment of control and monopolization of resources, and support the establishment of community interdependence.

While americans value their criminal activities more than they care abotu the living conditions of the world, their accomplishments are nigh useless and utterly pointless in the progression and evolution of biological life.

It is much like the balance of the 5 chinese elements:

Metal > Wood > Water > Fire > Earth > Metal

Technology is metal, biology is wood, we are only cutting ourselves and others down for no benefit but more technology capacity and less biological capability.
In short, we enslave ourselves and each other with the promotion and dependence on and of complex tools and technology.
Last edited by SuicideDo; May 30, 2010 at 06:29 PM.
SuicideDo, the Brewtal Drunken Immortal.